Today Canadians enjoy both HUMAN RIGHTS and CIVIL RIGHTS. HUMAN RIGHTS – Protect Canadians from being discriminated against by private individuals, businesses, and institutions. CIVIL RIGHTS – The rights that limit the power the government has over its citizens (i.e. social freedom and political freedom).
Under Canadian law, everyone is considered to be equal.
1215 C.E. – King John signed the Magna Carta in England limiting the Monarchs’ power, and therefore, beginning the notion of individual rights. 17 th Century – Saw the introduction of the idea of Natural Rights such as the rights to life, liberty, and security.
1788 – At the end of the American Revolution, the United States Constitution became law 1791 – Americans felt they needed a Bill of Rights to protect their civil rights and so the 10 amendments were made to the existing Constitution; which became the U.S. Bill of Rights.
1865 – The 13 th Amendment abolished slavery forever in the U.S. at the end of the American Civil War.
1945 – The end of WWII brought about a new organization: The United Nations. It’s purpose was to: ◦ Try to guarantee all people certain rights and freedoms. “Human Rights.” ◦ Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in 1948; nations from all around the world signed the agreement.
PM John Diefenbaker passed the Canadian Bill of Rights on Aug. 10, 1960; but it was strictly controlled by the Federal government. 1977 – Canadian Human Rights Act came into effect based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
PM Trudeau was responsible for the Constitution Act of 1982, which included The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This Charter guaranteed all the rights and freedoms at every level of government.
Legal Right – something that cannot be given to you one time and then denied another time. We rely on the law to see that something is done about the denial of our right. Freedom – implies that no one will interfere with what you want to do. Unlike a right, no one has the job of enforcing this freedom. The government, however, still has an obligation not to unduly limit individual freedoms.
Barriers to Equality – anything that prevents someone from participating fully in society. Many groups within Canada have been fighting with the issue of Equality for years.
These groups include: Women Native Peoples Immigrants Gays and Lesbians People with Disabilities The Poor
Use your textbook – Chapter #3, pages – to summarize the equality issues surrounding each of these groups. Include important dates and legislation throughout the history of each group.