Newborns 2014 Eija Vuori Mika Gissler 19/03/2016 1
Number of newborn children and perinatal mortality per births, 1990 – /03/ Source: THL, Medical Birth Register
Average birth weight (g) and children with a birth weight of ≥ g and ≥ g, 1990−2014, % 19/03/ Source: THL, Medical Birth Register
Children with prenatal exposure to maternal smoking by hospital district 2014, (by mother’s municipality of residence) 19/03/ Source: THL, Medical Birth Register
Prenatal exposure to maternal smoking at the start of pregnancy and after the first trimester, all newborn children and children to primiparas, /03/ Source: THL, Medical Birth Register
Perinatal mortality, stillbirths and early neonatal mortality per births, 1994− /03/ Source: THL, Medical Birth Register
Newborns 2014 Of all newborn children in 2014 (57 805), 53 % were born in university hospitals, 37 % in central hospitals and 10 % in other hospitals. One in four children were born in Helsinki University Central Hospital (Kätilöopisto Maternity Hospital, HUCH Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Jorvi Hospital). There were 9 hospitals with fewer than deliveries in A total of 203 children were born outside hospital, and 78 of them on the way to hospital. The proportion of infants with a birth weight of more than g has decreased by just under 4 percentage points over the past 20 years, being 16 per cent in Perinatal mortality was 3.9 per births in Statistical Report 24/ /03/2016 7