1st Quarter 2014: January – March 2014
January – March 2014 ~1 every 3 days
Qtr : January 1 – March 31, 2011Qtr : January 1 – March 31, 2014 ~8/day ~1 every 3 days
38% 93% 18% *Comparison is difference between Q & Q1 2014
13%* 6%* 95%* *Comparison is difference between Q & Q1 2014
1% 6% 20% 9% Comparison is Q to Q1 2014
95%* *Comparison is difference between Q & Q1 2014
36 Hospitals 6 Hospitals 15 Hospitals January – March 2014 Baseline Data: Dec 2010 – March
< ORANGE number = approximate number of annual deliveries GREEN number = number of hospitals reporting zero rate January - March 2014
Scheduled Deliveries <39 Weeks January – March 2014
Scheduled Deliveries <39 Weeks January – March % of Scheduled Deliveries <39 weeks do not have a documented indication 35
*Data collected via the EWC Data Collection Tool is used to estimate TJC PC-01 Data.
January – March 2014 Total Bar = Denominator ( Measure Population ) Red Section = Numerator ( Non-medically Indicated Scheduled Deliveries) (# indicates number of non-medically indicated scheduled deliveries) Blue Section = Remainder (Non-scheduled Deliveries)
January – March 2014 overlaid with corresponding hospital’s Core Measure Rate Hospitals with smaller denominators are more likely to have higher rates, unless the numerator is zero.
January – March Hospitals 21 Hospitals
Comparison is Q to Q Provided by Oklahoma Vital Records
2%* 5%* 10%* Induction – Weeks Induction – Weeks Augmentation – Weeks Augmentation – Weeks Provided by Oklahoma Vital Records EWC Begins 4%* * comparison is Q to Q1 2014