Sarah Bridges Director of Programme
£ 63 BILLION uplift in UK GDP if global digital leadership achieved £ 18.8 BILLION uplift in annual turnover if SMEs marketed and sold online 10.5 million adults don’t have Basic Online Skills 10.5 million adults don’t have Basic Online Skills 1.2 million SMEs need to improve their capability Government programmes and investment £15m from Big Lottery Fund The Opportunity
Common causes of digital exclusion IndividualsSmall Businesses
Basic Digital Skills
Digital Skills Charter
Shared language – knowing what to say
Get connected Explore more Discover a new world Take another step Be part of something Open opportunities Explore Meets your needs Make it your own Be part of it Be confident online Make it work for you At your fingertips Everything, everywhere online Find out more World at your fingertips Works for you Whenever you feel like it Shared language – sharing the benefits
Case study: Go ON it’s Liverpool June 2011: 29% of adults had never been online compared with 17% nationally 18 months later… 55% reduction of people who had never gone online over 18 months
Case study: Go ON it’s Liverpool Partnerships Digital champions 80 local cross sector partners supported the campaign Each partner promoted a specific targeted message that was appropriate & meaningful to local people & embedded digital into everything 1,500 digital champions recruited and supported by local partners Measurement 55% reduction over over 18 months of people who had never gone online ONS figures for the city 18 months 1 City Council 90 Councilors supporting Political Leadership Population 365,000 Never online 104,000 43,000 more online BBC National Give An Hour campaign Promotion
now hundreds of organisations are making a difference including We took the lessons learned from and we shared them