A Day in the Life of Our Kindergarteners! Sycamore Creek Elementary
Good Morning! School begins at 8:30 (children can begin to arrive at 8:00) (children can begin to arrive at 8:00) Settling in Socializing with peers Completing unfinished work Eating breakfast Free choice open ended activities
Specials Art Music Math Enrichment Physical Education (PE) * Make sure to wear tennis shoes Computer Guidance Science
Morning Meeting Morning Meeting Greeting One Another Building Community Reviewing Expectations Sharing
Word Study Word Study Phonemic Awareness Phonics Making Words Word Patterns Word Wall Words/ High frequency words/ Sight words
Reader’s Workshop Mini-lesson (Modeled Reading, Shared Reading, Comprehension, Decoding, Fluency, Vocabulary, Phonics) (Modeled Reading, Shared Reading, Comprehension, Decoding, Fluency, Vocabulary, Phonics) During this time your children engage in… Independent Reading and Conferencing Independent Reading and Conferencing Buddy Reading Buddy Reading Word Work Word Work Responding to Literature Responding to Literature Guided Reading and Strategy Groups Guided Reading and Strategy Groups Literacy Centers Literacy Centers (for example…puppets, listening, games, writing)
Snack and Read Aloud Pack a healthy snack… we encourage protein to help sustain children until they get home. Please pack water for snack. Juice may be sent in for lunch only.
Recess Physical Exercise Builds Peer Relationships “Down” time
Calendar During calendar we learn: Days of the week Days of the week Months of the year Months of the year Place Value Place Value Counting on Counting on Tallying Tallying Graphing Graphing Counting by 1s/2s/5s/10s Counting by 1s/2s/5s/10s Each student participates
Math Numbers and Operations * Counting, creating sets, writing #’s, ordinals, estimation, comparing * Counting, creating sets, writing #’s, ordinals, estimation, comparing sharing equally sharing equally Measurement * Comparing attributes, concepts of calendar Geometry *Identifying, drawing, and building shapes, position words Data Analysis and Probability Graphing Algebra Reading, extending, and creating patterns
Writer’s Workshop Mini- lesson (content, conventions, mechanics, craft) Writing time (Teachers are conferencing) Sharing time
Lunch 30 minute Lunch Period Choice of Meals Parents are welcome to come as long as children can easily separate when it’s time for you to leave Birthdays are recognized at this time
Science Investigating Properties & Five Senses Weather Animals Comparing and Measuring
Meeting People Similar & Different Good Citizenship Changing People and Places Special Days and American History Where People Live Technology We Use Today Cultures Around the World
Self Selected Discovery Centers Children choose the centers where they would like to work they would like to work Centers Include: Centers Include: Legos Reading Legos Reading Blocks Art Blocks Art Playdough Writing Playdough Writing Home Living Dramatic Play Home Living Dramatic Play Math Tubs Dress up Math Tubs Dress up Puzzles/Games Computers Puzzles/Games Computers Science Sand table Science Sand table
Standards Based Grading – Conduct and Work Habits 3 - meets expectations 2 – inconsistently meets expectations 1 – does not meet expectations Conduct Cooperating with others Respecting others Observing rules Work Habits Uses Time Wisely Listens carefully Completes assignments Works independently or seeks help when needed
Standards Based Grading -Academics
“I made this” Consistently exceeds expectations independently 4
“I made this” 3 Meets expectations
“We made this” 2 Meets expectations with teacher support
“We’re working on it” 1 Not there yet still working
Positive Reinforcement/ Behavior Management Rules for a Happy Day Rules for a Happy Day Links Color Code Jewel Shopping/ Prize Box
How was our day? How was my Day? Teacher/Parent Comments, Questions, Concerns, Etc! (no room place a sticky note!) Monday + - Parent Initials: Tuesday + - Parent Initials: Wednesday + - Parent Initials: Thursday + - Parent Initials: Friday + - Parent Initials: Parent/ Teacher Communicator Week of Aug. 8-12
Volunteers Conferences 1 st & 3 rd quarters Report Cards 2 nd & 4 th quarters Questions? Contact info: