Marketing Chapter 17 Section 1
Promotion is one of the four Ps of the Marketing Mix (product, place, price, and promotion). Promotion is persuasive communication. Goals of promotion – AIDA – attention, interest, desire, and action.
Product promotion – method used by businesses to convince prospects to select their goods or services instead of a competitor’s brands. Companies use promotion to build awareness and inform people about their products.
Institutional promotion – method used to create a favorable image for a business, help it advocate for change, or take a stand on trade or community issues.
Promotional mix – cost-effective combination of personal selling, advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relations strategies used to reach company goals.
Personal selling is the most expensive form of promotion. Advertising is a form of nonpersonal promotion in which companies pay to promote ideas, goods, or services.
Direct marketing is a type of promotion that companies use to addresses individuals directly and not through a third party medium. One form is direct mail, and another form is telemarketing.
Social media is electronic media that allows people with similar interests to participate in a social network. The goals of direct marketing are to generate sales or leads for sales representatives to pursue.
CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 – requires senders of unsolicited commercial to give recipients a way to opt out of unwanted s. Do Not Call Registry – businesses may not call these people on this list.
Sales promotion – all marketing activities except – personal selling, advertising, and public relations. Public relations – activities help an organization to influence a target audience.
News release – announcement sent to the appropriate media outlets. Social networks enable businesses to have communication with their customers Publicity – brings news about an organization to the public’s attention.
Publicity is free. People tend to believe publicity because the company cannot control the information, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Most businesses use more than one type of promotion.
Once a product is recognized it is easier to sell. Identifying the target market is the first step to establishing a promotional mix. Elements of the promotional mix must be coordinated. The total promotional mix is constantly being evaluated and adjusted as necessary. There is no precise way to measure exact results of spending promotional dollars.
Push policy – manufacturer pushes the product through the distribution channel to the retailer. Pull policy – directs promotional activities toward consumers. Designed to create consumer demand and interest.