The Age of Imperialism
The Conquerers and the Conquered European countries had become rich and powerful because of the industrial revolution During the 18 and 1900’s these countries begin to take control of weaker countries around the globe. This conquering and controlling of other countries is known as Imperialism Imperialism is the domination of the political, economic, and cultural life of one country or region by another country. It became a competition between the worlds strongest nations to conquer the most territory
Colony When these stronger countries take over other countries they often call them colonies Colony- any people or territory separated from but subject to a ruling power.
Many nations take part in imperialism The French controlled large parts of Africa and South East Asia (including Vietnam) The Dutch, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, The United States, and Belgium all had imperial possessions in Africa or Asia But the King of the Conquerors where by far the ????
British Empire 1914
Imperialism began in the early 1800’s But really got going in 1881
Africa is in Play The Scramble for Africa began in 1881, when France moved into Tunis After centuries of neglect, Europeans began to expand their influence into Africa. Soon, it took on a full-fledged land grab in Africa by European Powers
Imperialism moves into Asia Asia soon began to suffer the same fate as Africa
Why Imperialism Money (Natural resources) Politics (fear that other nations would conquer more and become powerfull) Social (believed in the white man’s burden)
White Man’s Burden In this view, non-European cultures are seen as child-like as well as demonic, with people of European descent having an obligation to dominate them until they can take their place in the world.demonicEuropean
Imperialists plans Their plan is to keep these colonies for as long as possible, maybe forever
Effects of Imperialism Cons Destruction of native cultures Abuse of native peoples Theft of native resources Pros Modernization (roads, schools, hospitals) Education Economic (prevent famine other problems from poverty)
Imperial Powers leave 3 Reasons why they left their possessions 1. They grew weak as a country and could not hold them anymore 2. They were thrown out by the nation they were controlling 3. World events caused them to leave (War, treaties)
France and Vietnam The French had controlled Vietnam for years, but lost it in WWII Following WWII they regained control The Vietnamese began to actively resist the French after WWII Eventually the French lost the country in a decisive battle at Diem Bien Phu
Modernization They often modernize these countries Better transportation Construction of schools Improvements to roads Construction of cities Construction of homes They also leave a legacy of violence Attrocities are frequently committed in the cause of imperialism
The Partitioning of Asia by the Europeans India - French, Dutch and British before British expanded control in India1757 Sri Lanka- conquered by Portugal (1505), the Netherlands (1656), and then Britain (1796). It had tea and rubber. Sri LankaPortugal1505Netherlands Britain1796 Macau - Portuguese colony, first European colony in China ( ). Macau Hong Kong - British colony from 1841 to Hong Kong Malaya- Portuguese then Dutch then British; rich in tin and rubber. Malaya Singapore - British since Singapore1819 Burma - merged with India by the British from 1886 to In 1880, the French built a railroad from Tonkin to Mandalay: fearing a French conquest, the British went to war with Burma. The Burmese king was captured and sent to India during the war. BurmaIndiaTonkinMandalay Indonesia and surrounding islands - occupied by the Dutch. Indonesia Indo-China - French; including Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. Successive revolts were "pacified" Indo-ChinaLaosCambodiaVietnam Thailand - nominally independent, but subject to British and French influence. Thailand Philippines - Spanish until revolt of 1896, then acquired by the U.S. after the Spanish-American War of 1898 for $20 million. PhilippinesSpanish-American War Korea - Nominally independent (until 1910) but subject to Russian influence Korea1910Russian
American The White Man's Burden," appeared at a critical moment in the debate about imperialism within the United States. The Philippine-American War began on February 4 and two days later the U.S. Senate ratified the Treaty of Paris that officially ended the Spanish-American War, ceded Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines to the United States, and placed Cuba under U.S. control. Although Kipling's poem mixed exhortation to empire with sober warnings of the costs involved, imperialists within the United States latched onto the phrase "white man's burden" as a euphemism for imperialism that seemed to justify the policy as a noble enterprise. Anti- imperialists quickly responded with parodies of the poem.