Liberalization in Tsarist Russia: Alexander II Palmer CH: 13 SEC 66 Essential Question: What was Alexander II’s legacy?
Liberalization in Tsarist Russia: Alexander II Russia After Crimean War Russia had been defeated by France and Power of the Tsar Did not rule by law. Instead the Tsar ruled by Ukase, Police action and the army. Westernizers vs Slavophiles Tsar had to balance the need of reform while still maintaining the Tsar’s authority and the characteristics of Russian society. Serfs in Russia Similar to slavery in the southern US. Serfs could have a variety of occupations but were responsible to their master. Master had responsibility to the serfs.
The Emancipation Act of 1861 and Other Reforms Alexander II in an attempt to gain support of liberals and intelligentsia made the following reforms before 1861 These reforms lead to a demand of abolishing serfdom. The Emancipation Act of 1861 Economic Concerns Outcomes for Peasants Outcomes for Gentry Permission to travel outside Russia Eased control of universities and censorship Freeing the serfs might destroy all of the Russian Economy. Similar to argument made by the South during the American Civil War Legally free and gained half the land but they did not own the land the Mir did. Role of Mir Could require labor, Could deny ability to leave, Could reassign land Not all peasants were equal Redemption fee for land lost Free of obligations to the peasants
Revolutionism in Russia Reforms of the Edict of 1864 Radicals Bakunin, Nechaiev Call to further the revolution Terrorism is the only path Believed that not much changed with the emancipation of 1861 Reforms of 1880 Court Reform Trials made public Eliminated class distinctions Right to choose lawyers Zemstovs Local governments elected by various elements including peasants Authority over education, medical care, welfare, food supply and road maintenance Abolished secret police Allowed press to discuss political subjects
Revolutionism in Russia Edict of 1881 Assassination of Alexander II March 13, 1881 Assassinated by revolutionists that wanted to push the revolution further. Signed by Alexander II March 13, 1881 Created two nationally elected commissions to sit with the council of state.