How United Way Works to Advance the Common Good
How United Way Works 2 To improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities Mission of the United Way System
How United Way Works 3 United Way’s transformation to community impact Not just a tweak here and an adjustment there Fundamental changes in what we do and how we work Changes in structures and processes are necessary, but not sufficient Also requires changes in mindset and culture
How United Way Works 4 If you continue to think as you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. - Marilyn Ferguson The Aquarian Conspiracy
How United Way Works 5
6 To achieve this mission, we … … strategically engage and build relationships with diverse community stakeholders, contributors, and partners
How United Way Works 7 To achieve this mission, we … … strategically engage and build relationships with diverse community stakeholders, contributors, and partners just make presentations just survey them just run focus groups just give information just get input
How United Way Works 8 To achieve this mission, we … … strategically engage and build relationships with diverse community stakeholders, contributors, and partners Agencies “Real people” Corporations Labor groups Government Foundations Academia Institutions Systems Neighborhoods Formal organizations Faith communities Informal associations Networks Demographic groups Issue advocates Community investors
How United Way Works 9 We engage with the community to … Identify COMMUNITY GOALS and concerns Choose a LIMITED NUMBER OF CRITICAL ISSUES Develop IMPACT STRATEGIES that change community conditions to improve lives
How United Way Works 10 We engage with the community at each step Identify COMMUNITY GOALS and concerns Choose a LIMITED NUMBER OF CRITICAL ISSUES Develop IMPACT STRATEGIES that change community conditions to improve lives
How United Way Works 11 Impact strategies: Not about an assortment of direct services for program clients direct service program clients
How United Way Works 12 Impact strategies: About changing community conditions to benefit entire populations Organizations Personal networks Neighborhoods Systems Community population
How United Way Works 13 To make the community’s strategies work … RESOURCES people relationships experience influence technology research time skills money materials media leadership expertise
How United Way Works 14 To generate resources, we … … start with the community’s shared goals, priority issues, and impact strategies COMMUNITY GOALS CRITICAL ISSUES IMPACT STRATEGIES MULTI-YEAR RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PLANS to build …
How United Way Works 15 FRAME community goals, issues, and strategies as INVESTMENT PRODUCTS CONNECT CONTRIBUTOR INTERESTS with investment products and volunteer opportunities EDUCATE, ENGAGE, AND THANK contributors and volunteers Our multi-year resource development plans …
How United Way Works 16 “Theory of the Business” How United Ways will grow resources to fuel the community impact model Frame strategies as investment products and connect them to contributor interests/aspirations Segment, prioritize, and understand interests of contributors and build ongoing relationships with them Develop & implement impact strategies that improve lives
How United Way Works 17 Needed for impact strategy Potential contributor with related interest Financial support Connecting contributor interests with investment products United Way of Dane County; Madison, WI Health Access Project Board member connected to health care
How United Way Works 18 Connecting contributor interests with investment products United Way of Dane County; Madison, WI Health Access Project Board member secured $75K from a pharmaceutical company, $10K from another health care company Financial support Board member connected to health care
How United Way Works 19 Connecting contributor interests with investment products United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona School-Community Partnership Volunteers for after-school program Employees of companies in school’s neighborhood Needed for impact strategy Potential contributors with related interest
How United Way Works 20 Connecting contributor interests with investment products United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona School-Community Partnership Volunteers for after-school program Employees of companies in school’s neighborhood Adults investing time and talents in neighborhood youth
How United Way Works 21 Connecting contributor interests with investment products United Way of Greater Rochester, NY C.A.S.H. Initiative Needed for impact strategy Potential contributors with related resource Space for tax preparation services Organizations with accessible, unused space
How United Way Works 22 Connecting contributor interests with investment products United Way of Greater Rochester, NY C.A.S.H. Initiative Multiple sites convenient to lower-income populations Space for tax preparation services Organizations with accessible, unused space
How United Way Works 23 With resources in hand, we …
How United Way Works 24 Improved lives Institutions Corporations AssociationsNeighborhoods Faith community United Way Government IndividualsAgenciesLabor groupsAcademiaetc.Foundations C o m m u n i t y a s s e t s / p a r t n e r s / i n v e s t o r s Working together to change the community Community plan for action Targeted changes in community conditions
How United Way Works 25 POSSIBLE ROLES FOR UNITED WAY data provider leader analyst collaborator convener investor facilitator educator mobilizer planner advocate advisor administrator fundraiser United Way a partner; not always the leader
How United Way Works 26 Because we are accountable and seek to increase our impact, we …
How United Way Works 27 Our results contribute to … Helping children & youth achieve their potential Promoting financial stability & independence Improving people’s health Advancing the Common Good
How United Way Works 28 Define community goals, critical issues, and impact strategies, Mobilize needed resources, Engage with the community to … Implement strategies Use the results United Way’s work … … requires an aligned organization
How United Way Works 29 Not simply alignment within business units Resource Development Investor Relations Community Research Marketing & Communications Community Investment Public Policy
How United Way Works 30 Organizational alignment: All efforts aligned toward a common goal
How United Way Works 31 Improved lives Targeted changes in community conditions Community plan for action Aligning to help change the community Resource development Volunteers Finance Agency relations Community research Public policy Investor relations Community investment Marketing & communications Governance Staff Human resources Technology
How United Way Works 32 Related Resources on United Way Online Aligning for Impact (keyword: Alignment) Brand Management resources (keyword: Brand) Community Impact resources (keyword: CommunityImpact) Resource Development resources (keyword: ResourceDevelopment) United Way Knowledge Café (keyword: Cafe) -Community Engagement in Component 1 -Impact Strategies and Resource Development in Component 2 -Relationship Building in Component 3 What Is Community Impact? (keyword: WhatIsCI)
How United Way Works 33