Introduction to Manufacturing Written by Roland Williams
GPS Standard ENGR-EET-5: Students will analyze the designed world of engineering, electronics, manufacturing, and energy systems.
Critical Knowledge/Elements A. A. Examine Manufacturing
Essential Question What are the basic processes used in manufacturing products?
Word Wall Manufacturing Separating Forming Combining Conditioning Durable Goods Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Process Push Production Pull Production
Manufacturing involves mechanical processes that change the form of materials through the processes of separating, forming, combining, and conditioning them. sp?ConVidID=14 “What’s up in Manufacturing?” The Manufacturing Process Click on link or picture to watch video.
Separating Separating is the process by which part of a material is removed, usually through cutting. Separating is the process by which part of a material is removed, usually through cutting. Cutting Cutting Shearing Shearing Sawing Sawing Drilling Drilling Grinding Grinding Shaping Shaping Turning Turning Chemically, Magnetically and Filtering Chemically, Magnetically and Filtering
Forming Forming is the process of changing the shape of a material without cutting it. Forming is the process of changing the shape of a material without cutting it. Casting Casting Pressing Pressing Forging Forging Extruding Extruding Blow Molding Blow Molding Vacuum Forming Vacuum Forming
Combining Combining means putting one material together with others. Combining means putting one material together with others. Riveting Riveting Nailing Nailing Screwing Screwing Soldering Soldering Welding Welding Gluing Gluing Electroplating Electroplating
Conditioning Conditioning changes the internal properties of materials. Conditioning changes the internal properties of materials. Magnetizing Magnetizing Heat-treating Heat-treating Hardening Hardening Tempering Tempering Annealing Annealing Mechanical conditioning Mechanical conditioning Chemical conditioning Chemical conditioning
Durable and Non-durable Manufactured Goods Durable Goods last a long time. Durable Goods last a long time. Appliances Appliances Vehicles Vehicles Non-durable Goods are designed to be consumed in a short period of time. Non-durable Goods are designed to be consumed in a short period of time. Foods Foods Paper Paper
Steps in Manufacturing a Product Designing a product Obtaining and preparing raw materials Processing the materials mechanically or chemically Assembling Testing Inspecting Packaging.
Essential Question What are the basic processes used in manufacturing products?
Conclusion The Assembly Line Challenge, Lesson 2