SCE 4311 U02 Class #8, Week #8 March 04, 2016 Agenda 1. Pass back FA1, FA2 (Part B), and video-clip analysis Chapter 5, VC 5-3 thru Discuss professor’s approach and findings for FAs and HW. His recommendations and future assignments, including Micro-teaching Plan and additional analysis concerning assignments including U-Tube video (Teacher Moves) and Video-clip 6.1 (Assessment – Teacher Interview about grade 1 – CERR planning & lessons. 3. Move class to OE 169. Do investigation on biodiversity in four ponds on campus, to find out diversity in different ponds. Group work and whole class data processing.
SCE 4311 U02 Class #8, Week #8 March 04, 2016: first part of class agenda & this week’s assignments
Jaeson Clayborn, PhD candidate in the Biology dept., meets class in OE 169 & he outline/describes today’s pond study (Biodiversity).
Constructing work groups, locations to study ponds, methods to collect data, ways to tabulate information, hypotheses, and researchable question
S (Locations to study (4), groups conducting studies, and hypotheses)/Group 1 (Pond at Library)
Pond Library and Graduate Residence
Pond Lovers Pond/Group 6 working scopes to identify and count species
Groups do counting & identifying species
Posters to help identify life forms found in 4 ponds at FIU
3 rd Poster to help identify life forms found in 4 ponds at FIU/Jaeson checking in on different groups
Team work in all corners of the lab in OE 169
Making exciting discoveries across four teams
Using the Classification Keys to identify species of life in the ponds
More team work!
Analyzing data from groups and finding out whether of not specific hypotheses can be supported or not.
Data analysis & Reporting, last minute discoveries.