PRESENTATION STRUCTURE Vision, Mission, Values and Mandate Legislative and Policy Mandates Goals and Strategic Objectives Human Settlements Priorities Programme and Sub-Programme Plans Performance Indicators and Targets Financial Information Key Risks and Challenges
3 VISION, MISSION AND VALUES VISION A nation housed in sustainable human settlements MISSION To facilitate the creation of sustainable human Settlements and improved quality of household life VALUES The Department’s core values based on the constitution are: Accountability Fairness and equity Choice, quality and affordability Sustainability Innovation as well as adherence to; Batho Pele principles.
LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY MANDATES -Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act No. 108 of The Housing Act No. 19 of The Botshabelo Housing Accord of The Comprehensive Plan for Human Settlements Development -The Freedom Charter -The Medium Term Strategic Framework 2009 – 2014 Government’s Strategic Priorities - Outcome 8
5 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic Objective 1 : Provide strategic leadership and administrative and management support services to the department. Strategic Objective 2: Develop and promote human settlement and housing policies supported by a responsive research agenda. Monitor and assess the implementation, performance and impact of national housing policies and programmes. Strategic 3 Objective: Support implementation and delivery, build capacity, and liaise and communicate with stakeholders for effective housing and human settlement programmes. Coordinate and monitor the implementation of priority projects and the sanitation programme. Strategic 4 Objective: Fund housing and human settlement development programmes. Provide financial and grant management services. Promote investment in housing finance. Mobilise and promote financial probity within housing institutions. Manage all matters provided for by the Home Loan Mortgage Disclosure Act (2000).
6 PROGRAMME AND SUBPROGRAMME PLANS PROGRAMME ONE: Strategic Objective 1 : Administration Provide strategic leadership and administrative and management support services to the department. Objective statement: Provision of the corporate governance services to Core Business of the Department. Baseline Target: 100% corporate support was provided towards the smooth running of the Department.
7 PROGRAMME AND SUBPROGRAMME PLANS PROGRAMME TWO: Strategic Objective 2: Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring Develop and promote human settlement and housing policies supported by a responsive research agenda. Monitor and assess the implementation, performance and impact of national housing policies and programmes. Objective statement: Undertaking of appropriate research to inform policy development and oversight. Baseline Target: Approved policies, research, monitoring and evaluation reports submitted to give direction to planning and decision making.
8 PROGRAMME AND SUB-PROGRAMME PLANS PROGRAMME THREE: Strategic Objective 3 : Housing Planning and Delivery Support Support implementation and delivery, build capacity, and liaise and communicate with stakeholders for effective housing and human settlement programmes. Coordinate and monitor the implementation of priority projects and the sanitation programme. Objective statement: Provide necessary and relevant support to the three tiers of Government to enhance service delivery especially the eradication of informal settlements Baseline: Capacity building programmes
9 PROGRAMME AND SUB-PROGRAMME PLANS PROGRAMME FOUR: Strategic 4 Objective : Housing Development Finance Fund housing and human settlement development programmes. Provide financial and grant management services. Promote investment in housing finance. Mobilise and promote financial probity within housing institutions. Manage all matters provided for by the Home Loan Mortgage Disclosure Act (2000). Objective statement: Provide funding for housing and human settlement development programmes as well as financial and grant management services to promote investment in housing finance as well as managing all matters provided for by the Home Loan Mortgage Disclosure Act (2000). Baseline: Conditional grant and Provincial transfers
10 PROGRAMME AND SUB-PROGRAMME PLANS PROGRAMME FIVE: Strategic 5 Objective : Strategic Relations and Governance Coordinate the department’s mandate within the intergovernmental relations framework. Manage international relations and promote good governance practices within the department and its public entities. Provide timely and integrated business information to the department. Objective statement: Coordinating the department’s mandate within the intergovernmental relations framework to promote goodgovernance practices within the department and its public entities. Baseline: Well coordinated Departmental intergovernmental and international Relations and an approved governance programme for Departmental Public Entities.
11 STRATEGIC OUTCOMES GOALSOUTCOMES Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 1 ACCELERATED DELIVERY OF HOUSING OPPURTUNITIES Goal StatementAchieving the target of households by 2014, the securing of some form of land tenure for these families so they have a real asset and access to universal services. Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 2 IMPROVE ACCESS TO BASIC SERVICES Goal Statement Water from 92% to 100% ; Sanitation from 69% to 100%; Refuse removal from 64% to 75% and Electricity from 81% to 92% (Key responsibility of the Department of Cooperative Governance and traditional Affairs - Human Settlements plays a support role) Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 3 IMPROVED PROPERTY MARKET Goal statement The target is to facilitate with the private sector, related DFI’s and spheres of government, the improvement of financing of housing opportunities within the gap market for people earning between R3 500 and R Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 4 MORE EFFICIENT LAND UTILISATION Goal statement More efficient utilisation of the land to enhance urban agglomeration and improve access to social amenities and job opportunities. Urban sprawl and low densities contribute to unproductive and inefficient cities as poor households continue to be marginalised by distance and transportation costs and the lack of agglomeration in many urban centres undermines economic development and efficiency
12 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES OF GOVERNMENT - Speeding up economic growth and transforming the economy to create decent work and sustainable livelihoods - Massive programme to build economic and social infrastructure - Comprehensive rural development strategy linked to land, agrarian reform and food security - Strengthen our skills and human resource base - Improve the health profile of the all South Africans - Intensify fight against crime - Building cohesive, caring and sustainable communities - Pursuing African advancement and enhanced international cooperation - Sustainable resource management and use - Building a developmental state including the improvement of the Public Service and strengthening democratic institutions
Outcomes Approach: Outcome 8 This Strategic Plan is the first document incorporating the Outcome 8 targets Outputs: HUMAN SETTLEMENT PRIORITIES 1. Accelerated delivery of housing opportunities 2. Access to basic services 3. More efficient land utilisation 4. Improved Property Market Upgrading of 400 households in Informal Settlements Affordable Rental Housing Stock units p.a. Affordable Rental Housing Stock units p.a. National Bulk Infrastructure Programme and Increased Access to Basic Services Acquisition of 6250 ha (net) state owned land Supply of Affordable Housing Finance to households Supply of Affordable Housing Finance to households
IndicatorProgrammeAnnual performance PastCurrent 1) Projections 2) 2007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Number of houses completed per year Housing Development Finance Number of households provided with services and tenure Housing Development Finance Number municipalities provided with technical support to implement basic water and sanitation infrastructure Housing Planning and Delivery Support Number of rural households provided with basic infrastructure for water and sanitation Housing Development Finance 318,663433,982218,96011,00031,00064,00069,000 Selected Performance and Operations Indicators
IndicatorProgrammeAnnual performance PastCurren t 1) Projections 2) 2007/082008/092009/102010/112011/122012/132013/14 Number of municipalities provided with technical support for informal settlement upgrading per year Strategic Relations and Governance Number of municipalities provided with capacity development to be accredited per year Strategic Relations and Governance Number of hectares of state land released per year Strategic Relations and Governance (HDA) ha SELECTED PERFORMANCE AND OPERATIONS INDICATORS
Programmes Medium term estimates 2011/122012/132013/14 Administration232,435238,380252,392 Housing Policy, Research and Monitoring39,21546,63344,035 Housing Planning and Delivery Support156,163178,520223,773 Housing Development Finance21,995,14724,253,30925,947,289 Strategic Relations and Governance155,535158,215207,250 Total22,578,49524,875,05726,674,739 DEPARTMENT PROGRAMME BUDGET
Transfers and SubsidyMedium term estimates 2011/122012/132013/14 Human Settlements Development Grant 14,941,51615,599,43716,457,407 Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Operational 19,30521,09622,151 Rural Housing Loan Fund 49,50051,975- Housing Development Agency 89,10093,55598,701 National Urban Reconstruction and Housing Agency 100,000 Social Housing Foundation 3,018 Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Capital restructuring grant 226,168427,401554,103 Urban Settlements Development Grant 6,266,9987,409,5128,126,806 Total 21,695,60523,702,97625,359,168 TRANSFERS AND SUBISIDES
Total Allocation of the Human Settlements Development Grant from 2010/11 to 2012/13 Provinces2011/122012/132013/14 Rand thousand Eastern Cape 2,177,676 2,274,820 2,403,688 Free State 913, ,326 1,006,814 Gauteng 3,804,611 3,970,951 4,186,987 KwaZulu-Natal 2,769,871 2,891,813 3,050,176 Limpopo 1,398,914 1,459,839 1,539,787 Mpumalanga 916, ,218 1,009,865 Northern Cape 322, , ,437 North West 998,376 1,042,529 1,099,868 Western Cape 1,638,845 1,711,035 1,804,785 TOTAL 14,941,516 15,599,437 16,457,407 HUMAN SETTLEMENT DEVELOPMENT GRANT ALLOCATIONS
Allocation Urban Settlements Development Grant from 2010/11 to 2012/13 Metros Allocations R` /122012/132013/14 EASTERN CAPENelson Mandela 423, , ,338 Buffalo City 502, , ,074 Sub Total 926,072 1,086,008 1,195,412 FREE STATEMangaung 411, , ,884 GAUTENGJo'burg 1,094,276 1,297,640 1,421,452 Ekurhuleni 1,027,970 1,216,260 1,333,559 Tshwane 891,081 1,053,856 1,155,692 Sub Total 3,013,327 3,567,756 3,910,703 KWAZULU-NATALeThekwini 1,091,574 1,299,706 1,421,322 LIMPOPOLephalale 208, , ,936 WESTERN CAPECape Town 824, ,615 1,067,485 Total 6,475,333 7,626,513 8,355,742 URBAN SETTLEMENT DEVELOPMENT GRANT ALLOCATION
KEY RISKS AND CHALLENGES Provincial and Local Authorities capacity to undertake national Programmes and Projects Strategic coordination with provinces: -Systems and Planning -Provision of bulk infrastructure -Provision of socio- economic amenities and; -Top structure Bulk and infrastructure shortages and under-capacity to support human settlements functions Provincial and Local Authority alignment of Programmes and Projects to Outcome 8 Fraud, corruption and mismanagement Institutional capacity of the sector and department to respond appropriately to its mandate Citizens expectations and aspirations
RISK MITIGATION MEASURES Monitoring and oversight of human settlements outputs Establishment of National Programme Management Unit to support provincial and municipal programme management Extension of existing capacity development programmes to provinces and municipalities Ensuring compliance with PFMA and MFMA Establishment of Human Settlements and Basic Services Task Team to coordinate national central planning Improved IGR planning, coordination and cooperation.
24 THANK YOU “strategic conversation provides a context for personal and group learning, shared ideas lead to shared meaning”