October 23 & 26, 2015 Please take out your 3-ring binder and something with which to write
Homework Read p p. 493 #3,4,5 Textbooks Next Class? No
Quote of the Day “.”-“.”-
French Revolution Stages Stage 1: Rebellion of the 3 rd Estate Stage 2: Reign of Terror
12. Maximilien Robespierre Leader of the Committee of Public Safety Rousseau’s idea of general will as source of legitimate law “Republic of virtue” achieved through use of terror Hasty trials “Death to traitors”
12. The Reign of Terror July 1793-July 1794, ~40,000 people executed 80% of those killed = Members of the 3 rd Estate Committee of Public Safety turned on Robespierre and he, too, was guillotined
Guillotine Jokes, Anyone?
Was Machiavelli Right? Niccoló Machiavelli The Prince (1513) Takes form of political guidebook How to gain power & keep it Not concerned with what is morally right… …but with what was politically effective The end justifies the means
French Revolution Stages Stage 1: Rebellion of the 3 rd Estate Stage 2: Reign of Terror Stage 3: The Directory
The Directory Constitution of 1795 ended the “radical” phase of the Revolution. Council of 500 Council of Ancients 5 Man Directory Courts Legislative ExecutiveJudicial Republic Separation of Powers
Grab a Quote Everyone needs a quote Think about what your quote is saying Can you provide an example? Turn to your table partner and discuss your quotes Class Share Out
Themes/Main Ideas What themes/similarities do you see in these quotes? Is this good or bad advice? Does this sound like a person you would like to be friends with? Be an enemy with? Who do you think said these quotes?
French Revolution Stages Stage 1: Rebellion of the 3 rd Estate Stage 2: Reign of Terror Stage 3: The Directory Stage 4: The Rise of Napoleon
Napoleon Bonaparte 1769 Born on Corsica Sent to military school at age 9 Drives British out of Toulon Victories against Austrians Egyptian campaign a disaster
From General to Political Leader 1.Overthrow Directory 2.Set up 3-man Consulate 3.First Consul 4.Consul for life 5.Emperor of France
Plebiscite (1802) YES/NO Ballot Q: Should Napoleon be named First Consul for Life? Yes No 3,568,885 8, % 0.2%
Warm Up #14 Answer the following in your 3-Ring Binders: One Paragraph/Proper Grammar 1.If you were in charge of a school, what would be more important to you? Explain. Order, Security & Efficiency OR Liberty, Equality & Fraternity
Which Do You Prefer? Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Order, Security, Efficiency
Vote With Your Feet If you were in charge of a school, what would be more important to you? Explain. Order, Security & Efficiency OR Liberty, Equality & Fraternity
Napoleonic Code Equality of all citizens before the law Religious toleration Advancement based on merit Women lose rights Men of households-Complete authority
If Time Permits… j
Homework Read p p. 493 #3,4,5 Textbooks Next Class? No