MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLS & PBIS Elsa Velez, Ph.D. PBIS Coordinator Charles County Public Schools
Grant funded by Charles County Public Schools Director of Student Services Part of the School Improvement Plan Main Focus: Counseling services for all middle schools and the Alternative School Extension of elementary school program Proposals reviewed
Tri County Youth Services Bureau Qualified master’s level clinicians Interventions coordinated with those services provided by guidance counselors and school psychologists SST and administrators to identify students to be referred Clinicians usually part of SST and PBIS teams
Five components: Individual Peer Family School Community
Program Goals and Objectives: Reduce disruptive classroom behavior and discipline referrals Increase parental engagement in school Provide support to school psychologists to increase classroom management Improve student academic achievement Improve attendance
Evaluation Individual-Beck Youth Inventories TM, Academic Grades, School Attendance, # of referrals and suspensions Family-Parent Satisfaction Survey & the North Carolina Family Assessment Scale School-Satisfaction Survey