Unit 5 At work
winnersedu.cn Warm up 1.Review the words and sentences. 2.Desription of students ’ jobs.
winnersedu.cn Presentation 1. Talking about stress A. Questions What stress is? What cause them stressed ? B. B. Do the questionnaire individually scores and compare answers with a partner
winnersedu.cn C. Brainstorm 1.List things that make a job stressful and the possible effects. 2.Write these on the board under the headings Cause Effect Ways to reduce stress 1.Give answers
winnersedu.cn Suggested answers: Cause: tempo of work new technology shift work Effect: danger to health safety problems with family social life absenteeism poor work (costly) mistakes the way to reduce stress. Take a break Stop value judging Let go of dysfunctional beliefs Let go of muscle tension Stay in the present Balance and don ’ t juggle
winnersedu.cn D. Discussion Discuss what they find stressful about their daily life and the effect that this has on them.
winnersedu.cn E. Discussion. What do you know about office cliques/circles?
winnersedu.cn 2. Dating. p 84 1.Read 2.Date and day 3.Make a list of your week. 4.Choose one picture on p 84.
winnersedu.cn 3. keep in touch with others at work and in daily life 1.Read three talks 2.Grammar: How often-- 3.Practice in pairs.
winnersedu.cn 4. Describe your best friend by modeling the one on p Relax. 1) Read 2) Key words 3) Make another talk according to your own life.
winnersedu.cn Extension
winnersedu.cn Assignments 1.Prepare a CV for yourself. 2.Is there any job you are interested in? work with a partner and practice a job interview together.