Gold was discovered in California in The Comstock Lode, a Bonanza, was later discovered. People who moved west to mine are called miners. Immigrants, such as Mexicans, Chinese and the Irish, went to work in the mines. Immigrants were treated poorly with long hours, low pay and very dangerous work.
Many African Americans moved to the West from the 1840s to late 1890s. They were escaping the difficult life in the South where Whites practiced Jim Crow Laws and denied African Americans their new Constitutional Rights.
People staked their claim by finding a section of land that was marked. Then they registered the piece of land with the government. After cultivating the land for five years, it was theirs for free.
People moved West to stake their claim.
Railroads brought growth and new settlement all across the West. The railroads enabled people, supplies, and mail to move quickly and cheaply and safer across the plains and the mountains. The largest cities and towns developed where major railroad lines met. Because of their rapid growth, western territories began to apply for statehood. Nevada, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington all became states from 1864 – 1890.
The lumber industry grows, because wood is needed to build the train tracks. The steel industry grows because steel is needed to build the tracks. The coal industry grows because coal is needed to fuel the train. The growth of these industries opens thousands of new jobs for workers.
Nativist sentiment turned many against the Chinese, who they feared would steal jobs since they were willing to do tough jobs for low wages The Workingman’s Party was formed and lobbied for anti-immigration legislation against the Chinese In 1882, The Chinese Exclusion Act passed, cutting off Chinese immigration for over 60 years
Japanese immigrants were invited over to work in US pineapple plantations in Hawaii Pineapple plantation work was difficult, dangerous- many Japanese laborers moved to the west coast seeking opportunity The success many of the Japanese met with made others unhappy- many segregation laws are targeted against them The Japanese émigré community impolred the Japanese government for help- the “Gentlemen’s Agreement” was an informal agreement between the US and Japanese govt’s to stop Japanese segregation if no new immigrants entered the country