Thursday 12/2/10 Warm-up: Who were the radicals, liberals, and conservatives???? -Monday 12/6: Quiz on Nationalism NOTES!!! So pay attention!
Nationalist Challenge Power Congress of Vienna’s “balance of power” failing Liberals and Nationalists riot and revolt across Europe
1830’s Uprisings Revolt against Russians in Warsaw 1830 Russian armies suppressed revolts in 1 year Poles Revolt against Dutch rule 1830 Belgians declared independence from Dutch Belgians Nationalist tried to unit Italian peninsula Metternich sent Austrian troops Italy
Revolutions SEE MAP on pg. 679 Geo Questions!!!! Ethnic uprisings erupt throughout Europe Vienna mob clashes w/ police-Metternich resigns- Austrian Empire goes haywire! Eastern Europe erupts again! ◦ Hungary, Prague, Czech Power see-saws ◦ One after another, revolutions fail from disorganization ◦ Conservatives get power by 1849!!!! Nothing changed !
FRANCE!!!!!! FRANCE!!!!!! Radicals wanted DEMOCRACY! 1830’s King Charles tried absolute monarchy- FAILED-ran away to Great Britain Enters Louis-Philippe (liberal) 1848-LP not popular anymore Paris mob overturns monarchy & makes a republic-republic FAILS!!! No one can agree- bloody riot so… No one likes the Radicals now b/c of violence so…. Moderate constitution is born 1848 with NEW parliament and elect NEW president ! YEHHH!!
FRANCE….Not done yet! 1848-enters-Louis-Napoleon (N.B. nephew) ◦ 4 yrs. Later had to change his name to Emperor Napoleon III!!!! ◦ French people wanted peace so they were cool with it ◦ L.N. III wasn’t so bad….built RRs, IR, public works projects! ◦ Good policies-increased employment and France was happy again!
But what about RUSSIA??? Russia was still in the dark ages…literally…the Feudal system! (not industrialized) 1820s Russia started to feel bad (except tsars) about serfs…morally wrong and prevented economic growth… STOP…Discussion question….Why did the feudal system stunt economic growth?????? Why would the tsars not want to? For next 30 yrs. Russia thinks about what to do……