Kepler, Brahe and Ptolemy By: Grace
Johannes Kepler Born in 1571 in Weil der Stadt, HRE Naturally intelligent, which earned him a scholarship to University of Tübingen to study for Lutheran Ministry Introduced to the ideas of Copernicus, supported and defended them Math Teacher in Graz Mysterium Cosmographicum Augsburg Confession affected him Refused to sign the Formula of Concord Removed from teaching position in Graz
Augsburg Confession Confession and outline of the Lutheran Faith What Lutherans believed in Defining document for Lutheranism Formula of Concord Authoritative declaration of Lutheran Faith
Johannes Kepler Moved to Prague to work with Tycho Brahe When Brahe died in 1601 he received the title of Imperial Mathemetician Using Brahe’s data, he discovered that Mars’ orbit was an ellipse Published Astronomia Nova (1609) describing first two laws of planetary motion First publishing of results with description of scientific error Lutherans kicked out of Prague, moved to Linz Remarried, experienced loss of more children and financial troubles Returned to Württemburg to defend his mother at a witch trial (successful) published Harmonices Mundi- describes third law of planetary motion 1621-Epitome Astronomiae described astronomy in a systematic way Produced Rudolphine Tables using basic calculus to predict positioning of planets
Tycho Brahe Born in 1546 of Noble Blood in Denmark From a young age interested in science and astronomy Studied at University of Copenhagen Travelled Germany to further his studies and studied at the Universities of Leipzig, Wittenberg, and Rostock Lost part of his nose in a duel Very wealthy, lived in a castle, was patronized by the royalty of Denmark Owned a pet elk who drank itself to death Had a little person jester (Jepp) who he thought posessed psychic powers
Tycho Brahe Observed accurate planetary motion Discovered a number of new stars Recorded his observations of supernovas Proved that comets were further out in space, disproving Aristotle’s idea that they were a part of the atmosphere Discovered that stars were very far away Made a model of the solar system Inventions Tychonian Quadrant- very large Astronomical tables Brass globe
Tycho Brahe died of bladder failure in eleven days while at a banquet in Prague Mercury poisoning Speculation of Murder ordered by Danish King Christain IV
Claudius Ptolemy Lived from about 85 to 165 A.D. Born and died in Egypt Compiled his work in a 13 book work called the Almagest It was written in both Arabic and Latin, became very popular He also produced the value of pi= Wrote the 8 book Geography A work on Optics Discovered many geometric theorems and proofs
Claudius Ptolemy Recorded his mathematical studies and discoveries Described movement of the planets, sun and the moon Created a geocentric theory which was accepted for about 14 centuries Using this theory he was able to come up with a mathematical model that was able to surprising accurately predict the positioning and movements of the stars and planets Attempted to map the known world His works were criticized by many other scientists and he was accused of plagiarism and creating false data
Works Cited strangest-astronomer