Introduction to Checking Quadratic Solutions Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Decide whether each supplied value is or is not a solution Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Decide whether each supplied value is or is not a solution Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Decide whether each supplied value is or is not a solution Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Decide whether each supplied value is or is not a solution Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Decide whether each supplied value is or is not a solution Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Checking Quadratic Solutions Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Evaluating a Discriminant Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Evaluating a Discriminant Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Applying a Quadratic Function Copyright Scott Storla 2015
Evaluating Quadratic Functions Copyright Scott Storla 2015 A quadratic function has a form like We evaluate a quadratic function when we replace the variables on the right with a value and simplify.
Evaluate Copyright Scott Storla 2015 when
Copyright Scott Storla 2015 Find the number of cases in 1982 (year 0). There were approximately 168,800 cases of chickenpox in Find the number of cases in By 1994 there were approximately 129,200 cases of chickenpox.
Copyright Scott Storla 2015 Find the cost of a year of college in In 1970 a year of college cost around $692. Find the cost of a year of college in In 2015 a year of college will cost around $9,742.
Applying a Quadratic Function Copyright Scott Storla 2015