Tokyo Harrison leung
T.F Green Airport Tokyo International Airport 17hr 4min Handheld games.
April It will be sunny Shorts, T-shirts
Umbrella Handheld games Money Water Sunglasses
Yen 82 Yens Make 1 Dollar 50 dollar
Tokyo, Nagoya, and Hiroshima Popular places to visit Travel, shop, relax, and more.
In Nagoya, you can see the Nagoya Castle, you can seethe front gate, the southwest turret and more. You can also see the Hiroshima peace memorial museum, they have items from victims from the bombs and how the city was before also.
Natto Eels Tofu Sushi I recommend Sushi
Konnichiha Sayonara Arigato Onegai
Be Wary for earthquakes. Have a nice time!