SPS point 3 LSS3 rearrangement LIU-SPS-200 MHz Power Upgrade May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR
SPS 200 MHz RF power: some history The RF-SPS started up in 1976 with two accelerating cavities (technical specs were written in 1971) For the new role of the SPS as proton-antiproton collider, since 1980, there are four cavities 200 MHz in the SPS May 26, Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR TWC#1 / TX1 TWC#2 / TX TWC#1 / TX1+TX2 TWC#2 / TX3+TX4 TWC#3 / TX5+TX6 TWC#4 / TX7+TX8 RF amplifier 1 mW Coaxial transmission line 125 to 160 meters Accelerating cavity Configuration of one of the four 200 MHz power plant 1 MW 2010
Sections and Cavity One section : 11 drift tubes A cavity is composed of sections of cavity One 4 sections cavity May 26, Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR
Cavities redistribution 2011 : 4 cavities 2 x 4 sections 2 x 5 sections + 3 spare sections 2018 : 6 cavities 2 x 4 sections 4 x 3 sections + 1 spare section May 26, Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR
New RF power plant Amplifier study Tunnel integration New RF Building May 26, Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR RF amplifier 1 mW Coaxial transmission line 125 to 160 meters Accelerating cavity 1.7 MW RF amplifier 1 mW Accelerating cavity 1.7 MW New RF Building
LSS3 (1999) May 26, Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR
Cavities re-arrangement May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 7 It will be a challenge to re-arrange the whole area 8 cavities in 4 sectors : 6 TWC TWC800 2 x 3 sections cavities fit in a sector 1 x 4 sections cavities + 1 x TWC800 Re-use of the ex-SWC sectors ( ) to re-arrange the pickups (and the dampers ?) Straight section
Cavities re-arrangement Due to a realignment campaign, we already disassembled all the cavities between 2001 and 2004 We know all the specific needed components, tooling, transport system We also checked the coaxial lines distribution: difficult, but possible May 26, Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR
2011 May 26, Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR
MHz ? ? May 26, Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR
May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 11
Item identification May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 12 We have listed all items, with their mechanical length, optic, specific position. We miss information -> to be done Half period SPSLNINS LengthApertureDrawingOwner QF VEQF SPS VPSAA VERK Ø 159/Ø156SPS VPSA31440 BCTF VEVG Ø 159/Ø156SPSVCPEB0004 VPSA31460 MBB VEBB SPS VPSAA31480 MBB VEBB SPS VPSAA31480 GHM VTSA Ø86/Ø83SPSLGSSS0086 LSDB VTTO Ø86/Ø83 MDV Ø 86/Ø83SPS BPV31508 SPS QD Total length Half period SPSLNINS LengthApertureDrawingOwner QF VEQF SPS VPSAA VERK Ø 159/Ø156SPS VPSA31440 BCTF VEVG Ø 159/Ø156SPSVCPEB0004 VPSA31460 MBB VEBB SPS VPSAA31480 MBB VEBB SPS VPSAA31480 GHM VTSA Ø86/Ø83SPSLGSSS0086 LSDB VTTO Ø86/Ø83 MDV Ø 86/Ø83 SPS BPV31508SPS QD Total length Half period SPSLNINS LengthApertureDrawingOwner QD VEQD SPS VPSAA MBB VEBB SPS VPSAA31540 MBB VEBB SPS VPSAA31560 MBA VEBA SPS VPSAA31580 MBA VEBA SPS VPSAA31501 GIQ VTTZSPSLGSSS0087 BPH SPS MDH Ø 86/Ø83 SPS BPH31608SPS QD Total length Half period SPSLNINS LengthApertureDrawingOwner QF VEQF SPS VPSAA VEEH Ø 159/Ø156SPSVPCEB0007 AEPC Ø 86/Ø83SPS Thomas Bohl AEPA Ø 86/Ø83SPS Thomas Bohl VMGE Ø 159/Ø156SPSVCEPB0007 VVSB ACTCA SPSACTCA0085Eric Montesinos VVSB VESW Ø 159/Ø156SPSVCEPB0002 ACL SPS Eric Montesinos VMNK SPS GHO31701 SPSLGSSS0088 AEWA Ø 86/Ø83SPS Thomas Bohl AEG Ø 86/Ø83SPS Thomas Bohl MDV Ø 86/Ø83 SPS BPV31708SPS QD Total length Half period SPSLNINS LengthApertureDrawingOwner QD VEQD SPS VBBH Ø 159/Ø156SPS VEBF SPSVCEPB0084 AEW Ø 86/Ø83 Thomas Bohl APWL (LHCAPW__0008) Ø 88.9/82.8 Thomas Bohl VMNK (VPSBA) Ø 159/Ø156SPS ACL SPS Eric Montesinos VESW SPSVPCEB0002 WSB463 VBBA ACTB SPSACTCA0071Eric Montesinos VBBA VESU Ø 159/Ø156SPSVPCEB0004 BPW (Ø 140/Ø133)SPS AEP Ø 159/Ø156SPS Thomas Bohl VTUC Ø 159/Ø156 MDH Ø 86/Ø83 SPS BPH31808SPS QF Total length Half period SPSLNINS LengthApertureDrawingOwner QF VEQF SPS VPSAA VESA Ø 159/Ø156SPSVPCEB0007 BCT Ø 159/Ø156SPS VESB Ø 159/Ø156 VGHA VGHB VVSB + VBBA ACTCC SPSACTCA0084Eric Montesinos VVSB + VBBA BPWA (Ø 140/Ø133)SPS VTAM Ø 159/Ø156 MDV Ø 86/Ø83 SPS BPV31908SPS QD Total length Half period SPSLNINS QD VEQD SPS VPSAA VESF Ø 159/Ø156SPSVPCEB0007 AESA Ø 86/83SPS Thomas Bohl BPWA (Ø 140/Ø133)SPS AEWB Ø 86/Ø83SPS Thomas Bohl VBBA Ø 159/Ø156 VVSB VBBA ACTD SPSACTCA0086Eric Montesinos VBBA Ø 159/Ø156 VVSB Ø 159/Ø156 BPH SPS VPSAA Ø 159/Ø156 LOE SPS VTTL32002SPS LSFA32005SPS MDH Ø 86/Ø83 SPS BPH32008SPS QF Total length Half period SPSLNINS QF VEQF SPS VPSAA MBA VEBA SPS VPSAA MBA VEBA SPS VPSAA MBB VEBB SPS VPSAA MBB VEBB SPS VPSAA BPWB (Ø 140/Ø133)SPS VTTO Ø 86/Ø83 MDV Ø 86/Ø83 SPS BPV32108SPS QD Total length Half period SPSLNINS QD VEQD SPS VPSA MBB VEBB SPS VPSA MBB VEBB SPS VPSA VERK Ø 159/Ø156SPS VPSA VERK Ø 159/Ø156SPS VPSA LOF VTTMSPS VTTE MDH Ø 86/Ø83 SPS BPH32208SPS QF Total length 31998
Draft schedule May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 13 Studies MS Install Build new hardware Year 4Year 3Year 2Year 1Year 5 Studies Building Services RF : Building : Year 6Year 7 Tendering Commissioning Authorizations Tunnel :Studies Build New hardware Installation phase 1 (pickups + dampers) Installation phase 2 (cavities) Cavity re-arrangement within a LS ( > 6 months)
Persons in charge May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 14 BE-RF : Eric, Thomas, Wolfgang Integration: Frédéric CV: Michel EN: Guillaume, Christophe VAC: Paolo Transport: Pascal, Serge Survey: Patrick Optic: Yannis BI: Christian Safety: Guillaume
Next meeting Identify all owners fill in excel table (please by end of next week) Is there any strong showstopper ? Optic Vacuum Cooling Cabling Transport Safety Can LSS3 host Dampers ? Vacuum re-sectorization New vacuum valves Vacuum pumps under cavities : new model ? List all work to be done during LS1 (=12 months ~ 2013) May 26, Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR