ccNSO/At Large Coordination working group Rudi Vansnick - ccNSO liaison 7 March 2010
2 ccNSO / At Large Coordination working group Status –ccNSO no questions, no comments on proposal so far –agreed on having a poll of the ccNSO members as we will have with the ALSes –Questionnaire draft version – comments are welcome Future plan –Nairobi meeting : agreeing on content of questionnaire proposing questionnaire to ccNSO council –After Nairobi : prepare electronic version of questionnaire online deadline end March 2010 collect results of questionnaire before ICANN Brussels meeting discuss results and outcome at ICANN Brussels meeting
3 ccNSO / At Large Coordination working group After Nairobi : –prepare electronic version of questionnaire online deadline end March 2010 –collect results of questionnaire before ICANN Brussels meeting –discuss results and outcome at ICANN Brussels meeting –prepare action plan on outreach actions
Questionnaire draft version Are you involved in your country's ccTLD business? –on a daily basis; –once in a while; –none Are you, as an ALS, a member of the ccTLD in your country ? –a voting board member; –a non-voting board member; –not a member; Reason for not being a member : –geographic distance –limited knowledge of ccTLD working process –ccTLD does not allow membership or external collaboration –another ALS is already a member
Questionnaire draft version Are you a partner of the ccTLD ? Yes - No If yes, what is the relationship between your ALS and the ccTLD ? –regular meetings –exceptional meetings –occasional events –others – please describe How often do you meet with the ccTLD ? –monthly –quarterly –twice a year –once a year
Questionnaire draft version Are members of the ccTLD board members of your ALS ? –Yes - No Have you approached the ccTLD and suggested a collaborative arrangement? –Yes - No Has the ccTLD approached your ALS and suggested a collaborative arrangement? –Yes - No IF the answer to either of the above questions is Yes: –Has there been any request, or offer, of technical outreach or education (namespace or ICANN) for the community?
Questionnaire draft version Is the ccTLD in your country a : –private company –NGO (Non Government Organization) – non profit organisation –public company (government involvement) –governed by government only –other – please describe Does the ccTLD in your country work with NGO – civil society ? –Yes - No What is the cost of registration for a ccTLD domain name ? –free of charge; –cost per year; –cost several years –cost for life time
Questionnaire draft version Would your ALS like to be more closely involved in the activities of the ccTLD ? –as a partner in activities or events –as a board member of the ccTLD –as the representative organisation for the citizens –other – please describe Do you think the ccTLD is open to a closer collaboration with ALSes ? General information questions about the ALS