Comments on “The Efficiency of ‘Benefit-Related’ Business Taxes” By Elisabeth Gugl and George Zodrow Timothy J. Goodspeed Hunter College and Graduate Center – CUNY, CESifo
Type of Production Function Production Tax Capital Tax Log ModularB efficientB under-provided Log Sub- Modular B under-provided B under-provided and less efficient than production tax Log Super- Modular B over-providedB can be under-, over-, efficiently provided
Modularity defines the relationship between K and B in the production function F(K, B, L). Changing B changes: ◦ 1. MPK by F KB ◦ 2. F(B, K, L) by F B If MPK/F is constant as B increases, modular If MPK/F falls as B increases, sub-modular If MPK/F rises as B increases, super-modular
Max (1-t)F(K,B,L) – r*K = Max (1-t)F(K,B,L) – (1-t) F K (K,B,L)*K Modular Case: Since MPK/F is constant as B increases, F B is offset by F KB and the effect of the tax/B on “profits” and capital flows is nil.
Sub-Modular: MPK/F falls with B so the effect F B raises MC more than F KB raises the MB for K, capital flees and underprovision of B MPK K r/(1-tF B ) MB=MPK+F KB *F*(1-t) MB=MPK r K*
Super-Modular: MPK/F rises with B so the effect F B raises MC less than F KB raises the MB for K, capital flows in and overprovision of B MPK K r/(1-tF B ) MB=MPK+F KB *F*(1-t) MB=MPK r K*
Max F(K,B,L) – (r+tau)*K Modular, Sub-Modular: MB rises by less than MC, so capital flees and underprovision Super-Modular: MB can rise by MC and anything can happen MPK K r + tau MB=MPK(1+F KB K) MB=MPK r K*
1. What do we know empirically about the modality of production functions? The literature that came to mind on this topic is the literature concerning public capital and economic growth. While perhaps not exactly what you are after, it seems like it comes pretty close to estimating F KB
2. While the model does not have different industries, one wonders whether city/states with different industry characteristics (e.g. different elasticities of substitution) would fare better/worse under the two tax regimes. 3. Or if residents differ in their labor/capital income shares, one wonders about a voting equilibrium. Maybe something to explore … sometime.
4. Finally, the last simulations are presented with the choice of B instead of t. This reminded me of Dave Wildasin’s paper from a number of years ago that indicates that the strategic choice of spending versus taxes is not necessarily symmetric, so that is something to think about.