What can you see ? I can see a bee. Where is the bee? It ’s in the tree. What color is the tree? It is green. I can see a bee in the green tree.
b - ee — bee tr - ee — tree r-ee -ree—green ee —— [ i : ] Let’s try fish- sh —sheep swim-sw—sweets mouth-th — teeth
Snow snow Fall slow On the window that is yellow
d-ow-dow—window l-ow-low—yellow n-ow-now—snow bow sow low blow flow row grow own ow —— [ ə u]
I can see a sheep. There is a green sheep. A green sheep is near the window.
Homework 1. Try to make a story with the new words. ( 尝试用本课所学的新单词编个有趣的故事。) 2. Read the rhyme and the small poem, Try to make a small one by yourself. ( 朗诵本课新学的两首小诗,并试着自编一首。 )