Geometry in The Real World By: Surqavin Hemingway
POINT A POINT is dot that represents a specific location or spot, and is represented by a capital letter. Real World Example- Chocolate chip cookies A POINT is dot that represents a specific location or spot, and is represented by a capital letter. Real World Example- Chocolate chip cookies
POINT I chose these pictures because the chocolate chips represent POINTS in the cookies.
LINE A LINE is straight, and goes on infinitely in both directions. It is named by two capital letters. Through any two points there is exactly one LINE. (Post ) Real world example- Road I29 A LINE is straight, and goes on infinitely in both directions. It is named by two capital letters. Through any two points there is exactly one LINE. (Post ) Real world example- Road I29
LINE I chose these pictures because this highway goes on almost forever like a LINE.
PLANE A PLANE is a flat surface that is represented by one letter If two PLANES intersect they in intersect in exactly one line. (post ) Real world example- Flat landscape A PLANE is a flat surface that is represented by one letter If two PLANES intersect they in intersect in exactly one line. (post ) Real world example- Flat landscape
PLANE These pictures show how the landscape is a flat surface
SEGMENT A SEGMENT is a straight line with two endpoints, and is represented by two capital letters. Segment addition postulate- If B is between A and C then AB+BC=AC (post ) An example of a SEGMENT would be a Pencil A SEGMENT is a straight line with two endpoints, and is represented by two capital letters. Segment addition postulate- If B is between A and C then AB+BC=AC (post ) An example of a SEGMENT would be a Pencil
SEGMENT These pictures show that the pencils have two endpoints, therefore they are called SEGMENTS.
RAY A RAY has one end point and extends infinitely in one direction. It’s represented by two capital letters An example of a RAY would be a RAY of sunlight. A RAY has one end point and extends infinitely in one direction. It’s represented by two capital letters An example of a RAY would be a RAY of sunlight.
RAY I chose these pictures because they show the RAYS of sunlight that start from the sun, and keep going on in the direction of the earth.
COLLINEAR POINTS COLLINEAR POINTS are points that are on the same line. If two points lie in a plane, then the line containing those points lies in that plane. (post ) An example of COLLINEAR POINTS would be pole with multiple wires COLLINEAR POINTS are points that are on the same line. If two points lie in a plane, then the line containing those points lies in that plane. (post ) An example of COLLINEAR POINTS would be pole with multiple wires
COLLINEAR POINTS I chose this picture because it shows the multiple points on the pole where the wires touch it.
ACUTE ANGLE An ACUTE ANGLE is any angle less than 90 degrees. An example of an ACUTE ANGLE is a slice of pie. An ACUTE ANGLE is any angle less than 90 degrees. An example of an ACUTE ANGLE is a slice of pie.
ACUTE ANGLE The pie is an ACUTE ANGLE because it is less than 90 degrees.
OBTUSE ANGLE An OBTUSE ANGLE is any angle that is more than 90 degrees, and less than 180 degrees. An example is a recliner leaned back. An OBTUSE ANGLE is any angle that is more than 90 degrees, and less than 180 degrees. An example is a recliner leaned back.
OBTUSE ANGLE The picture shows that when the recliner is back, it’s an OBTUSE ANGLE.
RIGHT ANGLE A RIGHT ANGLE is any angle that equals 90 degrees Angle Addition Postulate- If S is the interior of <PQR, then m<PQS+ m<SQR=m<PQR (post ) Real World Example- Clock hands at 12 and 3 A RIGHT ANGLE is any angle that equals 90 degrees Angle Addition Postulate- If S is the interior of <PQR, then m<PQS+ m<SQR=m<PQR (post ) Real World Example- Clock hands at 12 and 3
RIGHT ANGLE These pictures show how the clock hands form a RIGHT ANGLE.
PERPENDICULAR LINES PERPENDICULAR LINES are lines that intersect and form 4 right angles. If two lines intersect, then they intersect on exactly one point. (post ) Real World Example- A Cross PERPENDICULAR LINES are lines that intersect and form 4 right angles. If two lines intersect, then they intersect on exactly one point. (post ) Real World Example- A Cross
PERPENDICULAR LINES A Cross forms 4 right angles
COMPLEMENTARY ANGLES COMPLEMENTARY ANGLES are angles that equal 90 degrees. Real world Example- Corner of a flat screen TV COMPLEMENTARY ANGLES are angles that equal 90 degrees. Real world Example- Corner of a flat screen TV
SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLES SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLES are angles that equal 180 degrees. Real World Example- Half of a pizza SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLES are angles that equal 180 degrees. Real World Example- Half of a pizza
SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLES The pizza is 180 degrees making it a supplementary angle.
Vertical Angles Vertical angles are congruent angles that are like right across from each other. Real world example- Railroad Crossing sign Vertical angles are congruent angles that are like right across from each other. Real world example- Railroad Crossing sign
Vertical Angles This sign forms 2 sets of vertical angles at the top/bottom, and left/right
Acute triangle Acute triangles are made up of three acute angles Real world example- Pool table triangle thingy Acute triangles are made up of three acute angles Real world example- Pool table triangle thingy
Acute Triangle All of the angles are acute, forming an Acute Triangle.
Obtuse Triangle An Obtuse Triangle has two acute angles and one Obtuse angle. Real world example- Hangar An Obtuse Triangle has two acute angles and one Obtuse angle. Real world example- Hangar
Obtuse Triangle This hangar has two acute angles and one Obtuse angle
Right Triangles Right Triangles are triangles with one right angle in them Real world example- square sandwich cut diagonally in half Right Triangles are triangles with one right angle in them Real world example- square sandwich cut diagonally in half
Right Triangles The Right angle in the sandwich makes it a Right Triangle
Equilateral Triangles An Equilateral Triangle is a triangle where all of the angles and sides are congruent. Real world example- Yield Sign An Equilateral Triangle is a triangle where all of the angles and sides are congruent. Real world example- Yield Sign
Equilateral Triangle All of the angles and sides in this sign are congruent
Isosceles Triangles An Isosceles triangle is any triangle with two or more congruent sides. Real world example- Hair clip An Isosceles triangle is any triangle with two or more congruent sides. Real world example- Hair clip
Isosceles Triangles This hair clip has two congruent sides
Scalene Triangle A Scalene Triangle is any triangle with no congruent sides or angles Real world example- A Scalene Triangle is any triangle with no congruent sides or angles Real world example-
Scalene Triangle
Picture Sources Pie- czNYZTZM&hl=en&ei=ar3eVOXhNMSig each-pie-slice.shtml&h=1202&w=1600&tbnid=9oQBqyWVvTZujM:&zoom=1&docid=4qXG8cnmUMC8cM&hl=en&ei=ar3eVOXhNMSigwSKqoOYBQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CFsQMygiMCI Chairs- chairs.html&h=532&w=853&tbnid=_QvmKMYTAUXddM:&zoom=1&docid=zcpVv9q5CTVK-M&hl=en&ei=c8neVIKmPIWVNpTAgugF&tbm=isch&ved=0CDkQMygIMAg angle.jpg&imgrefurl= A4SqggTGuYPwDg&tbm=isch&ved=0CDIQMygBMAE Clocks- problems.html&h=700&w=700&tbnid=M16UpCBJTw3JvM:&zoom=1&docid=3XDJ2roEaaLGDM&hl=en&ei=bdLeVLvvGoGENqeAhLgI&tbm=isch&ved=0CCEQMygFMAU Cross- gene%253Agif&h=332&w=500&tbnid=P8YzSlzEqE_5BM:&zoom=1&docid=xerkMFh9sqzKCM&hl=en&ei=T9neVICSC8nUgwTV9oL4BQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CDsQMygKMAo TV- file.htm&ei=QdzeVOGlEoHrggTGnIPwBw&psig=AFQjCNFnfokxoQrPRpPgCZQZk15WpqRhPA&ust= Pizza- keep-your-half-out-top-shit.html&h=282&w=425&tbnid=Qcg7-qox9IAlgM:&zoom=1&docid=ofXEz_XdrZg8fM&hl=en&ei=0N7eVP2UAoGNgwTWwILgDA&tbm=isch&ved=0CDUQMygEMAQ Pie- czNYZTZM&hl=en&ei=ar3eVOXhNMSig each-pie-slice.shtml&h=1202&w=1600&tbnid=9oQBqyWVvTZujM:&zoom=1&docid=4qXG8cnmUMC8cM&hl=en&ei=ar3eVOXhNMSigwSKqoOYBQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CFsQMygiMCI Chairs- chairs.html&h=532&w=853&tbnid=_QvmKMYTAUXddM:&zoom=1&docid=zcpVv9q5CTVK-M&hl=en&ei=c8neVIKmPIWVNpTAgugF&tbm=isch&ved=0CDkQMygIMAg angle.jpg&imgrefurl= A4SqggTGuYPwDg&tbm=isch&ved=0CDIQMygBMAE Clocks- problems.html&h=700&w=700&tbnid=M16UpCBJTw3JvM:&zoom=1&docid=3XDJ2roEaaLGDM&hl=en&ei=bdLeVLvvGoGENqeAhLgI&tbm=isch&ved=0CCEQMygFMAU Cross- gene%253Agif&h=332&w=500&tbnid=P8YzSlzEqE_5BM:&zoom=1&docid=xerkMFh9sqzKCM&hl=en&ei=T9neVICSC8nUgwTV9oL4BQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CDsQMygKMAo TV- file.htm&ei=QdzeVOGlEoHrggTGnIPwBw&psig=AFQjCNFnfokxoQrPRpPgCZQZk15WpqRhPA&ust= Pizza- keep-your-half-out-top-shit.html&h=282&w=425&tbnid=Qcg7-qox9IAlgM:&zoom=1&docid=ofXEz_XdrZg8fM&hl=en&ei=0N7eVP2UAoGNgwTWwILgDA&tbm=isch&ved=0CDUQMygEMAQ