SksMinus simulation program. Program reconstruction Modification of SksMinus Geant4 program  Included configuration file Reaction selection Simulated.


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SksMinus simulation program
Presentation transcript:

SksMinus simulation program

Program reconstruction Modification of SksMinus Geant4 program  Included configuration file Reaction selection Simulated condition (Material, physics process) Geometry (SksMinus+HBJ, HBJ only) Other condition (Beam momentum, target length,  -ray energy)  The same DC geometry used by SKS analysis program

Programs Main programs – – (DC, Tof, SMF….) (DC, Tof, SMF….) Conf. programs – SKS magnet – – Etc GetNumberFromKernelEntropyP RootHelper.hh + Conf files Param files (Mag. Field, DC geom)

Programs Main programs – – (DC, Tof, SMF….) (DC, Tof, SMF….) Conf. programs – SKS magnet – – Etc GetNumberFromKernelEntropyP RootHelper.hh + Conf files Param files (Mag. Field, DC geom)

How to use Program –/home/sirotori/SksMinus/Geant4, Converter, Analyzer Command –[./bin/simSksMinus ] Data files are used for tracking analyzer. –Converter (randomize) → Analyzer (Momentum resolution, missing mass)

Conf file DC geometry file, Magnetic filed map file Scaling, Polarity Geometry selection. Ex. SksMinus+HBJ… Target material selection SksMinus detector materials selection HBJ detector materials selection Physics process selection Stepping action: Stop all particles on SKS magnet, w/o neutrino,

Beam momentum Reaction selection 10~: Beam (beam through, unifrom) 20~: (K,  ) reaction (only kinematics) 30~: Beam decay Reaction selection for HBJ SOURCE: Point source or Uniform inside of the target

To do SDC3,4, STOF position –To check detector size, in particular STOF y length –Momentum resolution Position and size around the target –SDC1&2 size: SDC2(exist), SDC1(assumed SDC2 design) –SP0: Range counter –SAC: Optimistic size

Possibility 2.7 T→ 2.5 T 万博さん ’s comments 「 SKS has not been operated by the 2.7 T mode for a long period. The stability of the SKS magnet is unknown. 」 (SKS って 2.7 T で長期間使用したことがないから、安定性に不安がある んだよね ~ 。やっぱし、 2.5 T 程度で使うのが良いんちゃう。 ) 春山さん ’s comments 「 In the case of SKS, the quench may be caused by the strain of coil. If the current is lower enough not to quench, SKS can be stable. But, the effect of the additional magnet of SksPlus has to be estimated carefully. 」 ⇒ We should prepare the SksMinus configuration for 2.5 T mode, if our experiment will be performed after SksPlus experiment. (Simulated by the scaled magnetic field map: 2.7×0.9 = 2.43 T )

For 2.5 T mode  Incident beam angle: 20°→15° (15° can be used for 2.7 T mode)  Relative position of detectors at the upstream of SksMinus is the same.  The position of downstream detectors  (HBJ iron shield design)