What was agreed at the Treaty of Versailles?
Learning objective – to be able to identify what was agreed in the Treaty of Versailles. I can describe some of the agreements in the Treaty of Versailles. Level 4 I can explain the agreements in the Treaty of Versailles. Levels 5 and 6 I can explain and link my knowledge between the different agreements in the Treaty of Versailles. Level 7
Where is Versailles? Versailles is a suburb on the outskirts of Paris. It is famous for its palace. This is where the Paris Peace Conference was held and the treaty was signed.
Who were the ‘Big Three’? David Lloyd George British Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau French Prime Minister Woodrow Wilson US President
What did the ‘Big Three’ want? Much of the fighting in the Great War took place in France. The French lost 1.4 million men and much of their land in the north east was ruined. Clemenceau was out for revenge and wanted Germany to pay for all the damage the French thought they caused. Also, he wanted to weakened Germany’s armed forces so they could not attack France again.
What did the ‘Big Three’ want? The United States joined the war in 1917 and had not suffered as much as either Britain or France. Wilson agreed that Germany was too aggressive and wanted to prevent war happening again rather than punish Germany. Wilson wanted countries to determine their own governments [called self-determination] and establish international co- operation.
What did the ‘Big Three’ want? Many people in Britain wanted Germany to be punished and Lloyd George was elected to ‘hang the Kaiser’ However, Lloyd George knew that punishing Germany too harshly could make Germany vow for revenge. At Versailles, Lloyd George was often caught between Clemenceau’s desire to weaken Germany and Wilson’s desire for rebuilding Germany.
How was Germany treated at Versailles? None of the defeated nations, including Germany, were invited to the Paris Peace conference – which lasted a year. When the agreement was finalised, Germany’s representatives were invited to sign the Treaty of Versailles. This agreement was non- negotiable and caused huge and lasting resentment in Germany.
What problems were there at the Paris Peace Conference? Relations between the ‘Big Three’ worsened during the conference. President Wilson was very unwell during the conference. Because relations worsened between the ‘Big Three’ it took a long time to agree on the final treaty. Growing unrest in Germany.
What did the Germans get at Versailles?
Task Stick a copy of the comic strip into your exercise book and annotate it with different details about each area of the Treaty of Versailles agreement.
Task This visual hexagon activity helps you make links between the different parts of the Treaty of Versailles agreement. In pairs, make links between each hexagon and write two sentences for each link explaining them fully. Extension question What is the most important link you have made in this exercise? Explain your answer.
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