behind blue eyes By Emily Lowdermilk
Artistic Statement From my experience, when I open my mind and allow the flow of my inner voice to stream in, I get a little overwhelmed. Not overwhelmed like too much is on my plate. Overwhelmed by the truths I avoid facing everyday. The complexity of ones inner voice can usually not be properly analyzed and expressed to another person. However, some people do understand. Saying that nobody did would be ignorance. It is rare to find a real person who doesn’t just think they know what you’re talking about. People do share similar imbalances; other people do feel this way. Knowing that I’m not alone in the might against my mind keeps me going. Knowing there are other people out there who think similar to me. Through my photographs I will let my inner voice do the talking; expressing anything and everything I hold the inability to describe. My body of work is all about those moments were words are redundant and unsuitable. I want to tap into my inner voice and allow that to be who is taking my photographs. Not me, sitting and over analyzing what I see around me. I want to let go and create.
Biography Ever since I was little I always wanted to be a photographer. My grandpa was always taking pictures of me and he has always inspired me. He was a photographer and is my mentor and has taught me everything I know about lighting. I bought my first camera when I was 14, a Nikon n75 that I named Van. I take pictures because it is my escape, my time away from the world when I can reflect and philosophize. I photograph because when I’m behind my camera I can let go of everything and just create. Photography is my way of putting to words what I cannot. Its my break from my mind and when I’m taking pictures all I have to do is imagine and let my fingers and my eyes do the talking.
Even shadows have shadows