HBr, V(m+4) (and E(0)) (Updated 131211; slide: 24-6) 1)KER spectra vs J´ (slides 2-3) 2)I(H + + Br(1/2))/I(H + + Br(3/2)) vs. J´(slide 4) 3)Comparison.


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Presentation transcript:

HBr, V(m+4) (and E(0)) (Updated ; slide: 24-6) 1)KER spectra vs J´ (slides 2-3) 2)I(H + + Br(1/2))/I(H + + Br(3/2)) vs. J´(slide 4) 3)Comparison of KER spectra for E(0) and V(m+4); J´= 1 (slide 5) 4)Wavel. Calibr. (slide 6) Ref: agust-lab-top,C:/…/PPT pptx

KER/eV Agust,lab top,C:/…/PXP pxp ; Gr0, Lay1 H + + Br(1/2) H + + Br(3/2) ? H + <- HBr+(v´) ? HBr, V(m+4): J´=

Agust,lab top,C:/…/PXP pxp ; Gr0, Lay1; (<= Agust, Lab top, C:,…./XLS a.xlsx („KER,I,II“,“H++Br-“)) H + + Br(1/2) H + + Br(3/2) ? BLUE sticks: Predicted KER For 81 Br; See next slide Black sticks: H+ + Br- J´= HBr, V(m+4): KER/eV

J´J´ Agust,lab top,C:/…/PXP pxp ; Gr1, Lay0 (<= Agust, Lab top, C:,…./XLS xlsx I(H + + Br(1/2)) I(H + + Br(3/2)) HBr, V(m+4)

E(0) and V(m+4) J´= 1 Agust,lab top,C:/…/PXP pxp ; Gr2, Lay2 Comparisons of E(0) and V(m+4): KER/eV

Let´s check wavelengths and wavelength calibrations: agust, Lab top, C:,…./XLS a.xlsx & XLS xlsx(„wavel.calibr.“ )) V(m+4):Comparison of Crete´s wavenumbers and litterature values:correction factor=2,1359should be subtracted from laser wavenumbers! JLitteratureCrete/lab-bookCreteLab-Litcomment: 2hv/cm-1l/nm (hv)2hv/cm-1cm , ,60954, , ,402162, , ,656774, ,7257, ,840434, ,57257, ,365964, ,09257, ,051342, ,18257, ,044970,864967NB, l/nm; ?? ,92257, ,189320, , ,216250, ,97258, ,763250,793246very week; one image ,66258, ,561763,901758Lab-Lit increases from J´= 9; probably a different system(?) ,9258, ,752184,852182Lab-Lit increases from J´= 9; probably a different system(?) refs: /~agust/rannsoknir/C rete/PPT aka.pptx; slide 12AK notes, ;1 E(0): J´LitteratureCrete/lab-bookCreteLab-Lit 2hv/cm-1l/nm (hv)2hv/cm-1cm ,8256, ,962140, ,6256, ,83591, ,6256, ,798612, ,5256, ,028411, ,6256, ,259071, ,5256, ,276271, ,4256, ,473651, ,6256, ,369591, , ,020811, ,1256, ,708981,60898strange peak refs: ust/rannsoknir/Crete/PPT aka.pptx ; slide 10AK, notes, ;1

V(m+5): LitteratureCrete/lab-bookCreteLab-Lit J´=2hv/cm-1l/nm (hv)2hv/cm-1cm ,5255, ,82381, ,41255, , ,64298??? ,35255, ,791651, ,61255, ,778131, ,59255, ,117611,52761 ref: s/~agust/rannsoknir/ Crete/PPT aka.pptx ; slide 9AK, notes: ;1 agust, Lab top, C:,…./XLS a.xlsx & XLS xlsx(„wavel.calibr.“ )) / Cont.

HBr V(m+5) & E(0) & V(m+4) J´= 1 INCORRECT KER predictions for E(0) & V(m+4) See slide 11 Agust,lab top,C:/…/PXP pxp ; Gr2, Lay2 KER/eV

„V(m+4)“ „J´=10“ is V(m+3), S line, J´= 4 See slide 16 „J´=11“ 77281, ,56176 Agust,lab top,C:/…/PXP pxp ; Gr4, Lay3; numbers: …XLS xlsx „J´=11“ is a Rydb. State (possibly F1D2(v´=0)) S line, J´= 7) See slide 16 KER/eV

„V(m+4)“ „J´=10“ is V(m+3), S line, J´= 4 See slide ,75218 cm ,56176 cm-1 Agust,lab top,C:/…/PXP pxp ; Gr4, Lay3; numbers: …XLS xlsx „J´=11“ is a Rydb. State (possibly F1D2(v´=0) S line, J´= 7)???? See slide 16 KER/eV

Agust,lab top,C:/…/HBr 77180_ ak.pxp ; Gr1, Lay0 Ryd. State cm-1 H 79 Br + 79 Br + H + H 81 Br + 81 Br + V(m+3) HBr, REMPI spectra (from Iceland): 2hv

KER/eV „J´=10“ is V(m+3), S line, J´= 4 See slide ,75218 cm ,56176 cm-1 Agust,lab top,C:/…/PXP pxp ; Gr4, Lay3; numbers: …XLS xlsx; predictions: XLS xlsx „J´=11“ is a Rydb. State J‘‘= 7! J´= 5,6,7,8,9 Red=predictions

Br 4 D(5/2)<-<- 2 P(3/2) 243,483nm41070, ,264D(5/2)0,585826,498on HBr resonance agust,labtop,C:/…HBr82100_82400.pxp XLS xlsx

250, , ,892P(3/2)1,579695,89on HBr resonance XLS xlsx Br 2 P 3/2 <-<- 2 P 3/2

251, , ,852P(1/2)0,583101,09 XLS xlsx Br 2 P 1/2 <-<- 2 P 1/2

KER (Br) vs various Br+ formation channels: See agust-labtop,C:/…/XLS xlsx Max: KER(81Br) eV 0, , , , , , , , , , Br KER KER(Br(3/2))KER(Br(1/2)) eV 0, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Br KER KER(Br(3/2))KER(Br(1/2)) eV 0, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , J´ HBr, E(0) agust-labtop,C:/ …/XLS xlsx Br**(Ry) Br/Br*- 1hv Br/Br* - 2hv (3hv)

V(m+5) V(m+4) E(0) J´= J´= J´= 3 1

HBr energetics H* + Br(3/2) H+ + Br- Ry V/Ion-pair [ 4 ,5s ] 3  H* + Br*(1/2) [2 2  ].. [ B 2  ].. H + Br**(5s) H + + Br*(3/2)

HBr energetics H* + Br(3/2) H+ + Br- Ry V/Ion-pair [ 4 ,5s ] 3  H* + Br*(1/2) [2 2  ].. [ B 2  ].. H + Br**(5s) H + + Br*(3/2) HBr + (v + ) ? Or direct HBr+ formation

HBr energetics H* + Br(3/2) H+ + Br- Ry V/Ion-pair [ 4 ,5s ] 3  H* + Br*(1/2) [2 2  ].. [ B 2  ].. H + Br**(5s) H + + Br*(1/2)

Agust-labtop,C:/../Fig.1-HBrFvsV-papera.pxp H + Br**(5s) Br*(1/2) Br(3/2) H*(n=2)+Br H + + Br - H+Br + + e H + +Br+e

Agust-labtop,C:/../Fig.1-HBrFvV-paperb.pxp H + Br**(5s) Br*(1/2) Br(3/2) H*(n=2)+Br H + + Br - H+Br + + e H + +Br+e [(3) 2  ]..superexcited state [B 2   ]..superexcited state [ 4 ,5s] Rydb. HBr+(X) HBr + *(A)

H + +Br+e [(3) 2  ]..superexcited state [B 2   ]..superexcited state H + Br**(5s) H*(n=2)+Br H + + Br - H+Br + + e [ 4 ,5s] Rydb. HBr+(X) HBr + *(A)

J´J´ ; Gr5, Lay4 I(H + <- HBr+(v+)) I(H + + Br(3/2)) ratio

Gr3, Lay3 I(H + + Br(1/2)) I(H + + Br(3/2)) V(m+4) V(m+5) E(0) J´=0 J´=1 J´=0 E(J´) ratio

I(H + <- HBr+(v+)) I(H + + Br(3/2)) Gr3, Lay3 V(m+4) V(m+5) E(0) J´=0 J´=1 E(J´) ratio