Political and Social Ideologies
Political Ideology is an organised collection of ideas and values that describes a political system, movement or way of thinking. Political Spectrum An imaginary scale that places your opinions in regards to Left wing, Center, Right wing.
Social Spectrum – aims to measure human rights and other societal issues. Scale goes from Libertarianism to Authoritarianism. Libertarianism – belief in total individual freedom without rules. Authoritarianism belief that individuals have a duty to follow established rules.
Conservatism Believe that traditional values are the building blocks of society. Traditional institutions hold society together and puts people in orderly roles. Traditional family - Religion Role of women - Immigration Crime - Social issues
Something to think about What issues would challenge these traditional values and what would be the conservative response? Traditional family - Religion Role of women - Immigration Crime- Social responsibility
Traditional family – Same sex marriage Role of Women – were against women working as threat to family Religion – abortion, euthanasia laws
Immigration – other cultures moving to Canada threaten the stability of society Others should assimilate to our culture. Criminals should be punished severely
Social Responsibility Conservative stresses individual responsibility “gov’t should act as a police officer but not a babysitter.” If adults make bad decisions they should look to themselves not gov’t for help
No gov’t intervention Gov’t should stay out of the economy and people’s lives. Oppose social programs like welfare, EI, high taxes, gov’t health care, gov’t schooling.