Operation Connect: Exploring Hospitality Tips For Sharing Your Faith (Without Hijacking The Conversation)
Start Watching The Clip
Your Gut Reaction... Does the ‘all or nothing’ approach to sharing your faith strike a chord with you? Any clues about how to avoid it?
Your Gut Reaction... What have you found to be most challenging about sharing your trust in Jesus with people you know?
Continue Watching The Clip
Chewing It Over... Chat about your response to the suggestion that the key to sharing our faith naturally is learning be ‘ever-ready Christians’. What do you find appealing or attractive about it?
Finish Watching The Clip
Digesting The Meal... Four tips were given in the clip: 1. Just start talking 2. Take an interest in people 3. Ask for open doors (and the courage and wisdom to walk through) 4. Take one step beyond your conversational comfort zone
Digesting The Meal... What everyday opportunities do you have to implement these tips? (E.g., in the tea room at work, at your children’s school or playgroup, or with a social or interest group that you belong to.)
Digesting The Meal... What things do you find threaten to stop you seeing and grabbing hold of these opportunities? How do you feel your congregation might be able to support and help you here?