Unit 15 – What w Unit 15 - What Were Early Passenger Flights Like?
Before You Read 1.Do you think flying is a good way to travel? 2.What do you think airline travel was like 100 years ago? 3.What do you think it will be like 100 years in the future?
Unit 15 What Were Early Passenger Flights Like? Early Flights 1920s Stewardesses 1950s- 1960s
Vocabulary – Unit bumpy 2. air-conditioning 3. circulate 4. disinfectant 5. airsick 6. turbulence 7. helmets 8. crew members 9. teens 10. loaded 11. registered nurse
Vocabulary – Meaning p bumpy – not smooth 2.airsick – sick from moving (e.g., seasick, carsick) 3. circulate – move about 4. disinfectant – used to kill bacteria 5. turbulence – when the plane moves 6. helmets – protects heads 7. teens – between the ages of loaded – to put things inside a plane or vehicle (e.g., loading zone)
Words That Go Together 1.registered nurse 2. air-conditioning 3. crew members
Understanding the Reading 1.D – dangerous and unpleasant 2. C – had many jobs to do 3.A – had improved their speed and comfort
Remembering Details 1.They had leather seats that were attached to the floor. 2.Early flights were very bumpy because early planes could not reach high altitudes. 3.The first male crew members were usually in their teens and were small and thin. 4.Ellen Church persuaded an airline to hire women as flight attendants. 5.In the 1930s, a stewardess had to be a registered nurse, no taller than 5 feet 4 inches, and weigh no more than 118 pounds. She could only be between years and had to be single. 6.In the future, jets will travel at twice the speed of sound.
Making Inferences 1.I 2.S – (Par 2) last line 3.S – (Par 3) line 2 4.I 5.I
Unit 13 – 15 Questions 1. Would you like to be a flight attendant? Why or why not? 2.How has airline travel changed the world and the way we live? Was the invention of an airplane good for the world? Why or why not? 3.Do you prefer to see a movie or read a book about the same subject? 4.Why do some people change when they become rich and famous ?
Crew members usually wear uniforms, so you can recognize them. Crew members wear the same uniform. I was a teen when I was 14 years old. I'm not a teen because I became 20 years old last October. My heart circulates blood around my body.
We have to wear seat belts when a flight experiences turbulence. When a flight experiences turbulence, passengers must stay in their seats and fasten their seat belts. He loaded the heavy furniture on his truck. We loaded everything that we need for our camping trip. In San Francisco, there are many bumpy roads. Justin Bieber and I are teens. It will be a bumpy flight. Many teens look at movie stars, and they like to copy their styles.