My Study in “ Teaching of Advocacy ” JingBo Dong China University of Political Science and Law
I . How the LLM program has been working 1. study as a student—exposure to U.S. advocacy skills training 2. Study as a teacher—exposure to U.S. advocacy skills teaching methods and plan Chinese curriculum
1. study as a student (1) Exposure to U.S. advocacy skills training emphasis on learning by doing students function as lawyers in simulated cases major aspects of instruction reading for foundation lecture and demonstration—large group workshop for skills practice—small group feedback & critique by experienced lawyers video review and self-critique as a student (2) range of advocacy forums a. trial advocacy (1) Factual presentation (2) Oral argument applying law to facts b. appellate advocacy (1) court advocacy other than trial (2) legal advocacy to judge or panel of judges c. ADR (1) Dispute resolution outside of court process (2) Negotiation (3) Mediation (4) Arbitration
2. Study as a teacher: exposure to advocacy skills training methods and plan Chinese curriculum 1. the study of training methods Teaching methods and the functions Selection of teaching material The way to evaluate students
2. Study as a teacher: advocacy skills training methods and plan Chinese curriculum 2. Plan Chinese Curriculum Discussions on Chinese curriculum Guided Thesis on Chinese advocacy teaching
II. Anticipated challenges and assessment 1. Difference in legal system (1)Trial advocacy skills lack of live witnesses rules of evidence (2) appellate system (3) arbitration procedures (4) Direction of change
II. Anticipated challenges and assessment 2. Difficulties in teaching of the advocacy skills a. Unfamiliarity of experiential format vs. lecture format b. Undergraduate vs. graduate students
3. Assessment of the challenges and difficulties A. universal methods in advocacy skill training b. Current trend in legal education _____ professional training C ollaboration of law students with different goals Training of current faculty C. transplant of U.S. advocacy training methods into Chinese legal education
III. The future plan for the teaching of advocacy in China 1. SCOPE TRIAL ADVOCACY APPELLATE NEGOTIATION
III. The future plan for teaching of advocacy in China 2. Steps Plan the original Curriculum and Handbook Experimental class Improvement and revision of the curriculum Preparation for text book and other teaching material
Confucius I hear and I forget I see and I remember I do and I understand