WILLS PA 221 – Unit Six
Unit 6 Assignment Draft a Will Lear Fact Pattern 4-6 Pages Double-Spaced LOOK AT PP and !!
Characteristics Formality Purpose Close Scrutiny Purpose ***side note: see back of book for information on wills in your state
Testamentary Capacity Age Mental Ability Intent Fraud Menace Undue Influence Temporary Incapacity
Standard Will Concerns Surviving Spouse Generally can’t leave out of will Omitted Children Advancements Charitable Gifts
Standard Will Concerns (cont’d) Ademption Lapsed Gifts Abatement Residuary Clause Witnesses
Weird, Wild World of Wills Noncupative Wills Holographic Wills Living Wills Power of Attorney
Changing the Will Codicils Very rare now Operation of Law Family changes New Will But: Dependent Relative Revocation Revocation
Will Challenges Four Classes of Challengers with Standing Seven Grounds for Challenging