Plate Tectonics
Continental Drift Crust is broken into plates that are in constant, very slow motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle. Puzzle-like fit of continents Similar fossils on different continents Similar rock structures on different continents Warm weather plant fossils and fossil fuels in arctic areas and glacier deposits in tropical areas
Ocean: Sea Floor Spreading Ocean plates are being pushed apart by convection currents and new ocean floor is made Crustal Features: Rift Valleys on land and Mid-Ocean Ridge in ocean DivergentBoundaries
Sea Floor Spreading
Rift Valley on Land
ConvergentBoundaries Continental-Continental: huge mountains
ConvergentBoundaries Continental-Continental: huge mountains Continental-Oceanic: Subduction! The more dense oceanic crust sinks under the continental. Trenches, mountains, and volcanoes occur.
ConvergentBoundaries Continental-Continental: huge mountains Continental-Oceanic: Subduction! The more dense oceantic crust sinks under the continental. Trenches, mountains, and volcanoes occur. Oceanic-Oceanic: Subduction! Very deep trenches and volcanoes
Transform A plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions Makes faults and causes earthquakes Boundaries
Transform Boundaries
Find the Nazca plate on the map. What direction is it moving? The Nazca plate is moving east
Find the South American plate and describe its movement. The South American plate is moving west
What do you think will happen as these plates continue to move? As the plates move, they will collide (convergent boundary) Since the Nazca plate is oceanic crust and the South American plate is continental crust, the Nazca will plunge beneath the South American plate