Abilene: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, but Couldn’t Find on the Web Site Brown Bag Session Heather Bruning, Abilene Program Manager 13 August.


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Presentation transcript:

Abilene: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, but Couldn’t Find on the Web Site Brown Bag Session Heather Bruning, Abilene Program Manager 13 August 2002

8/13/20022 Rule #1: Connectors ARE NOT Dr. Suess characters Lorax SoX MAX NoX

8/13/20023 Internet2 Backbones Two Internet2 backbone networks: 1.vBNS/vBNS+ Network –very high performance Backbone Network Service (vBNS) supported by NSF –vBNS+ is a follow-on service of WorldCom 2.Abilene Network –High-performance network developed by the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID) –Operated under partnership of Qwest Communications, Nortel Networks, Cisco Systems, and Indiana University

8/13/20024 Abilene Focus Goals Enabling innovative applications and advanced services not possible over the commercial Internet Backbone & regional infrastructure provides a vital substrate for the continuing culture of Internet advancement in the university/corporate research sector Advanced service efforts Multicast IPv6 QoS Measurement Security

8/13/20025 Abilene Affiliations Connectors Not all are ‘gigaPoPs’ Membership not required 17 are members of The Quilt Participants Research universities Corporate and government labs Sponsored (two types) Sponsored Participants – individual Sponsored Education Group Participants (SEGPs)

8/13/20026 Abilene – August 2002 IP-over-SONET (OC-48c) backbone 53 direct connections 4 OC-48c connections 1 Gigabit Ethernet trial - MREN 23 connected via at least OC-12c (622 Mbps) 217 participants – universities & labs All 50 states, District of Columbia, & Puerto Rico 15 regional GigaPoPs support ~70% of participants Expanded access 52 sponsored participants 24 state education networks (SEGPs)

8/13/20027 ATM Media Sunset # of ATM connectors falling: soon 7 of 53 Sunset date of ATM connections and peerings: July 1, 2003 $10k one-time connection fee discount for transitioning before 10/1/2002



10 Abilene Cost Recovery Model Connection (per connection)Annual fee OC-3 (155 Mbps)*$110,000 OC-12 (622 Mbps)$270,000 Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gbps)**$325,000 OC-48 (2.5 Gbps)$430,000 OC-192/10 GigE (10 Gbps)$490,000 Participation (per university)$20,000

8/13/ Abilene Access Primary Participants – research universities and Affiliate/Corporate Member collaboration sites Sponsored Participants – individual locations SEGPs: Sponsored Education Group Participants And now…..

8/13/ SEGP Fundamentals SEGP status targeted at both developed and emerging state-based education networks One or more Internet2 University Members in the same state act as sponsor(s) Connectors take overall fiscal and operational responsibility for the SEGP Periodic SEGP progress updates to Abilene required (e.g., how are SEGPs implementing advanced applications?)

8/13/ Approved SEGPs California New Mexico Florida New York Georgia North Carolina Hawaii North Dakota Illinois Ohio Indiana Oklahoma Iowa Oregon Louisiana Pennsylvania Maryland Rhode Island Michigan Virginia Minnesota Washington Missouri Wisconsin

8/13/ SEGP Inquiries Alabama Colorado Kansas Kentucky Nevada New Jersey South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah


8/13/ Upgrade Schedule Overview Aug/Sep – Ten T640 backbone routers installed Sep/Oct - First wave turnup (6-8) Rest of Connector/peer circuits migrated to T640 routers 2003 – Remaining 10-Gbps ’s activated

8/13/ Federal Labs Policy If no existing connection to national R&E network –Internet2 Affiliate Membership and Abilene Participation as a collaboration site; or –Sponsored Participation with the support of an Internet2 member university FL/BBs reviewed on case-by-case basis by Steve, Laurie, and Gary

8/13/ Projects Underway Overhaul of Abilene Web site Abilene contact update campaign for iMIS database Entering Abilene financial data into iMIS for fall 2002 invoicing Soliciting annual and quarterly Sponsored Participation and SEGP reports from Connectors and Participants