Sale of material salvaged from the LEP experiments 4 large experiments ALEPH DELPHI L3 OPAL The 4 detectors are situated in caverns (100 m under ground level) and have a weight of tons each. Built in by big international collaborations ( 500 physicists + engineers + technicians) Operational from 1989 to 2000
How does a detector work ? electronspositrons Collision of energetic electrons and positrons from LEP Creation of new particles in a mini “big bang” Curved particle tracks in magnetic field Iron structure as yoke for the magnet Detect charged and neutral particles by ionization of gases or emission of light. Arrangement of components in onion-like shell structure Magnet coil Magnet yoke
A typical example: DELPHI ALEPH and OPAL look similar. The experiment L3 will be only partially dismantled.
Detector gases During normal operation some of the detector elements contain gases, which are flammable (like ethane, methane…) All elements will be thoroughly purged with inert gases (Nitrogen or Argon) before they are made available to the contractor. Radioactivity According to theoretical analyses and experimental verification all materials, which will be made available to the contractor, are non-radioactive. Some detector elements are equipped with very weak radioactive calibration sources. All sources will be removed before the elements are made available. Every element will be checked for traces of radioactivity before it is removed from the experimental site. Before leaving CERN, every truck will pass through a radiation detector at the CERN gate. Additional random radiation checks will be made in the central cutting zone.
All materials have been arranged in 10 groups 80% of total weight Includes electric cables “halogen free” All weights are to be considered as approximate ! Quantities may/will change in both directions. Final tonnage will be determined by weighing. We are still expecting requests for reuse of some material at CERN or elsewhere (exhibitions).
Packing and hand-over procedures Experimental site with local transit zone Central cutting zone (Prevessin) CERN Contractor Cutting done by contractor Very heavy or very large components Small and medium size components CERN Detector CERN
Traffic weigh bridge Local transit zone Central cutting zone weigh bridge final radiation check
Central cutting zone A zone of 2200 m 3 will be prepared on the Prevessin site. The contractor may use this zone to cut very large and heavy elements into transportable pieces. CERN will transport these elements from the experimental sites to the central cutting zone. For a limited period CERN may provide the equipment (mobile crane, gantry crane? To be defined!) to lift and handle these elements. The cutting and removal of the material has to be done with the shortest possible delay.
Planning 2 October April/July 2001 LEP physicsDismantling of experimentsLHC CE months No access to caverns anymore The schedules are very tight ! Dismantling and removal of material are closely linked ! The final removal plan for the following week will be given to the contractor one week in advance. It has to be followed with a precision of one day. T0T0