The Gospel according to Matthew Part 1 Background Information The Infancy Narrative Preparation for Ministry 1 st Discourse: The Sermon on the Mount Nine Miracles 2 nd Discourse: Lessons on Discipleship Signs of the Kingdom 3 rd Discourse: Parables of the Kingdom
Background Information The probable author Matthew/Levi 2 nd generation Jewish Christian The original audience a Jewish-Christian congregation The date of transcription why between AD The seeming purpose of the Gospel fulfillment of prophecy catechesis
Structure and Outline of the Gospel Preface: Infancy Narrative/Baptism The Galilean Ministry: Discourse on Righteousness Miracles Discourse on Discipleship Signs of the Kingdom Discourse on the Kingdom of God Controversy, recognition, rejection Discourse on the Church The Jerusalem Ministry: Entry into Jerusalem Apocalyptic Discourse Climax: Conspiracy, Betrayal, Last Supper, Passion Epilogue: Resurrection and Commissioning
The 5 Discourses Each discourse is marked by the concluding phrase: “and when he had finished...” 7:28 (the end of the Sermon on the Mount) 11:1 (end of the discourse on discipleship), 13:53 (after the parables of the kingdom) 19:1 (concluding the teachings on humility and forgiveness), 26:1 (after the discourses on the final days)
The Infancy Narrative Geneaology Annunciation to Joseph The Magi Flight to Egypt/Massacre of the Innocents
Preparation for Ministry John the Baptist The Temptation in the Wilderness The Call of the 1 st Disciples
Discussion Point Scan Matthew chapters 5-7 Determine 3 questions which the text provokes. Discuss them with your group. Bring the discussion back to the whole class.
The Sermon on the Mount The Beatitudes who is blessed and what does that mean Teachings on Righteousness a new approach or a return to an old one? Teachings on Prayer form versus content Discipleship faith and deeds
Miracles and the Missionary Discourse 9 Miracles a leper, the Centurion's servant, Peter's mother-in-law, demoniacs, a paralytic, Jairus' daughter, woman with a hemorrage, two blind men, a mute Calming of the Storm The Call of Matthew The Missionary Discourse
The Kingdom of God Questions and Signs John the Baptist Jesus the Servant Controversies Parables of the Kingdom T he Sower Weeds among Wheat Mustard Seed Yeast Treasure Pearl