Philippians 1:19-26.
Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ made this very bold statement in his letter (epistle) to the saints (believers) at Philippi.
The ultimate purpose of his letter was to inform them that he has a choice in the matter of his departure from his earthly tabernacle. This God given choice is not peculiar to Paul alone, but is available to every child of God.
As a believer, you can claim victory over untimely death. It is one of your covenant rights in Christ Jesus.
Faith begins where the will of God is known.
PHILIPPIANS 1:23-24 Here, Paul was talking about his own physical death. Amazingly, he was demonstrating the believer’s mastery, or authority, over physical death. Paul didn’t say God is going to decide for him; moreover, he isn’t giving the devil credit also. He boldly said that Paul himself is deciding the when of his departure.
o Adam and Eve were created by God to be objects of His expression of love and fellowship. o They were created with God’s nature, which is eternal life, in them. Therefore, man was not originally designed for death. o Death is a consequence of sin. Thus, with the disobedience of man came sin, and death through sin. o Death passed on all men because of Adam’s sin. Since sin is universal, therefore, death has universal effect too. o See Romans 5:12 o Here is the good news, Jesus took care of sin and therefore, defeated death.
Here is the joyful conclusion, very simple, yet very profound: Man is free from sin. Thus, he is also free from death!
REVELATION 1:17-18 Keys signify authority and power. Jesus now has power and authority for the believers to use over the spirit of death. Adam’s sin locked the believer under the power of death, but Jesus came to set him free! The devil no longer determines the destiny of the believer, but Jesus. As you and I walk in the reality of the newness of the recreated life, we can and will demonstrate victory over death in Jesus’ name.
What is Man’s Lifespan? The Bible declares in Psalm 90:12 Number implies there a limit. There is an appointed time. As a believer, you are not supposed to die just at anytime. From the book of Genesis 6:3, God set man’s lifespan as 120 years. It is therefore up to the believer to number his days and be free from anxiety over his departure.
Many have erroneously appropriated Psalm 90:10. This Psalm was written by Moses, when they were in the wilderness, after God passed judgement on the whole nation for believing the evil (negative) report of the ten of the twelve spies sent to Canaan.
The ability to stay alive according to God ordained lifespan is a gift of God, ratified by the Blood of Jesus. God cannot lie nor alter His covenant (Numbers 23:19; Psalm 89:34).
BIBLICAL EXAMPLES: 1.King Hezekiah in Isaiah 38:1-6, Paul the Apostle in 2 Timothy 4:6-8. o 2 Corinthians 11:22-33.
Conclusion You have a choice to make sir/ma. I have by the Spirit of God set before you, God’s mind as to your living long and strong on this earth. The truth be told! The devil does not have the keys of death anymore. Death has lost it power over you and you are free to live out the number of your days (120 years). Choose God. Choose life. Believe and receive the WORD.