Abstractions to Nature By Matthew Pieri
Artistic statement Where has all the nature gone? Not the plants that sit in the pots that we tend to, or the scattered trees that highlight the cement walkways. I want to find the nature that’s hidden in the beaten and carved ideas of industrial beauty. I try to break away from the idea of the “Subject”; my pictures attempt to see the spirit within. I want to show you the soul that was trapped in the metal, wood, and nails as it was pounded into an idea. What was it made of? What could it have been? Where is the nature inside? Forget what the nature has become and try to imagine what it could be.
Biography Growing up I had experience with artists my entire life. Receiving paintings as gifts from my older sister, watching my father raise the magnificent buildings he designed, and laughing at the funny comics my brother drew. Art seemed to be a talent and a pastime for my whole family. I have tried many different forms of art, but besides writing photography is my favorite. With a camera I can show someone my observations; they can see what I see. That is a special experience for me and a large part why I enjoy abstract photographs as well as landscape and portraits. The macro lens is my favorite photographic tool; it’s the smaller things in photography that seem more special to me. I have found my photographic experience to be more fulfilling when I transform things to look the way I want them to.
The Lonely Vine Copyright © 2006 Matthew Pieri
Emerald Isle
Fall Leaves Copyright © 2006 Matthew Pieri