5 th week Chinese 2 Objectives 1. Review the measure words 2. Review the new words of beverage 3. Review dialogue: Hi, come in please. Thank you. Please take a seat. Thank you. what do you want to drink? I want a cup of …. Your house is big. How many rooms do you have? There are 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The kitchen is next to garage. culture: Chinese Moon Festival
Assigned Seat Front John Wayne NatJoséZoeCalebJustin SaudKatTim TaylorLindsey
Monday objectives 1. Review measure words 2. Review the new words of beverage 3.dialogue: Hi, come in please. Thank you. Please take a seat. Thank you. what do you want to drink? I want to drink 4. grammar: TSW be able to use measure words to make sentences.
Measure words 个, Gè for people, small items, 瓶, píng for bottle 斤, jīn for weight. One 斤 = 500 g 只, zhī for animal, egg, etc 杯, bēi for cup of…, glass of … 快, kuài, a piece of ( any slice) 盒, hé, a box of
个 一个人一个遥控器三个游戏五个晚上 瓶 一瓶水两瓶可乐五瓶牛奶十瓶七喜 斤 一斤糖一斤牛肉两斤猪肉六斤鱼肉 只 三只狗一只蛋四只 杯 一杯水 四杯可乐五杯牛奶十杯七喜 快 一块蛋 糕 八块比萨 盒 一盒糖三盒蛋糕四盒比萨
汽水 Qìshuǐ 可乐 Kělè , 七喜 Qīxǐ 雪碧 Xuěbì/sprite
3.dialogue: Hi, come in please. 你好!请进 ! Thank you. 谢谢! Please take a seat. 请坐 ! Thank you. 谢谢 ~
蛋糕 cake 一个蛋糕 糖 candy 一盒 / 糖 牛奶 milk 一杯牛奶
Dialogue: please copy down the dialogue A. 你好, 请进 ! Hi, come in please. B. 谢谢 ! Thank you. A. 请坐! Please take a seat. B. 谢谢! Thank you.
牛肉 Niúròu beef 猪肉 Zhūròu pork 羊肉 Yángròu lamb
鸡蛋 Jīdàn egg 培根 Péigēn bacon 起士 Qǐ shì cheese
Tuesday objectives TEKS: 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A Test over lesson 2
Wednesday objectives TEKS: 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A Objectives: Learn the new words Activities: make a Foldable over new words
Animals Giraffe/Chángjǐnglù 长颈鹿 bird/Niǎo 鸟 Monkey/Hóuzi 猴子 Panda/Xióngmāo 熊猫 Skunk/Chòu yòu 臭鼬 Peacock/Kǒngquè 孔雀 Spider/Zhīzhū 蜘蛛 Horse/Mǎ 马 Elephant/Xiàng 象 Hippo/Hémǎ 河马 Tiger/Hǔ 虎 Lion,/ Shīzi, 狮子, Penguin/Qì'é 企鹅 Wolf/ Láng 狼
Oral check Giraffe 长颈鹿 bird 鸟 Monkey 猴子 Panda 熊猫 Skunk 臭鼬 Peacock 孔雀 Spider 蜘蛛 Horse 马 Elephant 象 Hippo 河马 Tiger 虎 Lion, 狮子, Penguin 企鹅 Wolf 狼
grammar 又 + adj+ 又 +adj to be A and aslo B The lion is tall and strong. 狮子又高又壮。 The cat likes to eat fish and also likes to eat rat. 猫又喜欢吃鱼又喜欢吃老鼠。 又
Friday objectives TEKS: 1A, 2A, 2b, 3a, 5a presentation Moon festival Your foldable is due. Your moon festival is due!
Challenge your self after study lesson 2 Please put pinyin and English after each Chinese word 汽水 蛋糕 糖 雪碧 羊肉 牛奶 牛肉 猪肉 可乐 七喜
Do something with these words! Make a phrase! Make a sentence! Make a paragraph! Write a story!!! It is fun~
Happy Moon Festival~ Thank you for all the students who turned in your project on time. Wish you have a wonderful Moon Festival! Tell your family and your friends about the Moon Festival! Always be with your parents, family! Family is highly valued both in West and East