By: Josh Carlson uid/images/11b.jpg
genera 7500 species Most common in tropical settings Species that live in MN Grasslands, agricultural fields, forests
Herbs, shrubs, stem succulents (thick water-filled stems); e.g., cactus or aloe Leaves: alternate or opposite or whorled, simple or palmate, stipulate or estipulate, Monoecious or dioecious Flowers: imperfect, regular or naked Sepals:0-8 (usually 5) Distinct and or connate
Petals: 4-8 Distinct or basally connate Stamens: 1- many Distinct or connate Carpels: 3 Ovary superior with 1-20 locules Fruit: schizocarpic capsule (rarely a drupe, pod, berry, or samara)
Leaves: alternate Fruit: capsule Flowers: yellow If broken both the stem and leaves secrete a milky fluid Invasive Plant /garden/native/Euphorbia_esula2.jpg&imgrefurl= 2&w=500&sz=131&tbnid=_Bs8_orx1l- dSM:&tbnh=276&tbnw=183&prev=/images%3Fq%3Deuph orbia%2Besula&hl=en&usg=__JwxcdIfqqNPe7NDUzppkv4 V3-Ug=&ei=mjfDS- fjOdOonQe7xP24CA&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&c t=image&ved=0CAkQ9QEwAA
Leaves: alternate below inflorescences and opposite near to it Fruit: capsule Flowers: white ge%20(Euphorbia%20corollata)%20Spurge%20Family%201.jpg
Walters, Dirk., Keil, David., Murrell, Zack Vascular Plant Taxonomy. 5 th ed. U.S.: Kendall/Hunt Print.