EEL 5666: IMDL Sensor Report
Sensor Report: Introduction Sensor Suite Bump Sensor IR Sensors Optical Mice
Sensor Report: Bump Sensor Bump Switch Design Vcc R1 R2 R3R4 Analog(0) R? S1S2S3S4
Sensor Report: IR Sensors Infrared Sensor Design Analog(2) Analog(3) Analog(1) IR Sensor Vcc
Sensor Report: Optical Mice How Optical Mice Work:
Sensor Report: Optical Mice How Optical Mice Work: Serial interface Data, Clk State Machine Inhibit USB Send two commands Read Data Stream
Sensor Report: Optical Mice Data Stream
Sensor Report: Optical Mice Optical Mouse Design Mouse Vcc FPGA Enable Reset 8 bit out Clk Data Mouse Clk Data Mouse PortC on HC11 8 A15 A14 A13 A12 R/W Eclk AS Reset HC11
Sensor Report: Optical Mice Programming HC11 Memory mapped: 0x7000 Output order MCCR: condition code register for mouse 1 X[15..8]: upper eight bits of x data for mouse 1 X[7..0]: lower eight bits of x data for mouse 1 Y[15..8]: upper eight bits of y data for mouse 1 Y[7..0]: lower eight bits of y data for mouse 1 MCCR2: condition code register for mouse 2 X2[15..8]: upper eight bits of x data for mouse 2 X2[7..0]: lower eight bits of x data for mouse 2 Y2[15..8]: upper eight bits of y data for mouse 2 Y2[7..0]: lower eight bits of y data for mouse 2
Sensor Report: References [1] [2] [3] Ty Black, Sensor Report, IMDL [4] Ty Black, Final Report, IMDL Acknowledgement: Ty Black