POhWER ICAS advocacy, making your voice heard Elyzabeth Hawkes Team Manager Herts and Beds ITEM 2 (ii)
The Role of POhWER ICAS The Role of POhWER ICAS Independent Complaints Advocacy Service Independent Complaints Advocacy Service Support clients who wish to make a formal complaint about any NHS service Support clients who wish to make a formal complaint about any NHS service Free Free Independent Independent Confidential Confidential Client led Client led
Standards for Better Health C6 Standards for Better Health C6 Regular network meetings with PCT Regular network meetings with PCT and NHS Trust staff and NHS Trust staff Involvement of ICAS Involvement of ICAS Joint Service Developments Joint Service Developments
Standards for Better Health C13 Standards for Better Health C13 Categories of Complaints Categories of Complaints Local Resolution meetings Local Resolution meetings Consent Policy Consent Policy Confidentiality Confidentiality
Standards for Better Health C17 Attendance at service user and carer events Attendance at service user and carer events Attendance at public consultation Attendance at public consultation events events
Standards for Better Health C18 and C22 Standards for Better Health C18 and C22 Categories of complaints Categories of complaints Joint working arrangements Joint working arrangements
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