Selection & Reconsideration Policy Critique Amy Casey Summer II Collection Development LIBM 6360
Existing Policy The existing policy at my school was not contained in a manual or any other organized fashion. Existing policy was two stapled documents: Selection of Library/Media Center Materials and Weeding Guidelines.
Existing Policy No objective –Did have a purpose No mission statement –Found on website Did include a statement of responsible parties Did have selection criteria and gifts Did not have any mention of technology
Existing Policy Did include challenges timeline Did include committee makeup Did include handling of complaints Materials will stay on shelf during process
Rewrite of Policy All policy kept together and accessible to anyone Used Information Power to write objectives in new policy.
Rewrite of Policy Included a section on technology weeding Included “different formats” in mission statement
Reflection As a whole, I feel that my school’s policy was complete and easy to comprehend. The steps for reconsideration were very easy to follow and unquestionable. The most prevalent problem I have with the policy is that is inaccessible. We have no manual. The media specialist had to search for a copy of the policies.
Reflection I only had to insert a couple of words in my rewrite and include a technology section. I wrote objectives and copied the mission statement from the website. I feel that my school has a good current policy.