Smarter Balanced 103: Item Types and Instructional Implementation Rachel Aazzerah Science & Social Science Assessment Specialist
Computer Adaptive Item Types Overview TEXT TXT EXT Assess a broad range of content. Scoring is objective, fast, and inexpensive to score. Difficult to understand a student’s reasoning process and to assess higher-order thinking skills. Selected ResponseSelected Response Require the student to generate a response as opposed to selecting a response. Include both short and extended responses. Allow students to demonstrate their use of complex thinking skills consistent with the expectations for college and career readiness. Constructed ResponseConstructed Response Technology Enhanced items may have students listen to audio clips, watch video clips and or browse in a virtual web environment. Technology Enabled items all students to complete machine scored graphic response (grid) items. (Hot Text, Hot Spot, Drag and Drop, Natural Language) Technology Enhanced/Technology Enabled
Smarter ELA Claims Place text here Students can read closely and analytically to comprehend a range of increasingly complex literary and informational texts. Claim 1 Reading Students can produce effective and well- grounded writing for a range of purposes and audiences. Claim 2 Writing Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences. Claim 3 Speaking & Listening Students can engage in research/inquiry to investigate topics, and to analyze, integrate, and present information. Claim 4* (PT) Research Smarter ELA Claims
ELA/Literacy Items
Claim 1: Reading Sample Items
Claim 2: Writing Sample Items
Claim 3: Listening Sample Items
Claim 4: Research Claim 4 will be assessed primarily on the ELA Performance Tasks Compare and Contrast Two Pieces of Writing Watch a Video Clip or Browse a Virtual Website Write an argumentative Essay about a given topic
Interactive Poll Session On the chat feature, you will see an online virtual poll that you will need to click on/or type a response in order to answer questions about the following ELA items. What Claim do they feature? What skills must students have in order to be successful in answering this type of item? What instructional practices need to be put into place in the classroom now in order for students to be prepared for this new type of item?
Claims for Mathematics Summative Assessment Claim #1 Concepts & Procedures: “Students can explain and apply mathematical concepts and interpret and carry out mathematical procedures with precision and fluency.” Claim #2 Problem Solving: “Students can solve a range of complex well- posed problems in pure and applied mathematics, making productive use of knowledge and problem solving strategies.” Claim #3 Communicating Reasoning: “Students can clearly and precisely construct viable arguments to support their own reasoning and to critique the reasoning of others.” Claim #4 Modeling and Data Analysis: “Students can analyze complex, real-world scenarios and can construct and use mathematical models to interpret and solve problems.”
Mathematics Items
Claim 1: Concepts and Procedures Sample Items
Claim 2: Problem Solving Sample Items
Claim 3: Communicating Reasoning Sample Items
Claim 4: Modeling & Data Analysis Sample Items
Interactive Poll Session On the chat feature, you will see an online virtual poll that you will need to click on/or type a response in order to answer questions about the following Math items. What Claim do they feature? What skills must students have in order to be successful in answering this type of item? What instructional practices need to be put into place in the classroom now in order for students to be prepared for this type of item?
Resources Smarter Balanced Website Smarter Sample Items and Performance Tasks /#itemhttp:// /#item Smarter Item Writing and Review Materials writing-and-review/ Common Core State Standards Toolkit Common Core State Standards Assessment Resources Thank You!!!
Thank you! Please send additional input, questions, or anecdotes to: Rachel Aazzerah (Math) Derek Brown (Essential Skills) Mark Freed (Math) Ken Hermens (English/Language Arts)