Gogny-TDHFB calculation of nonlinear vibrations in 44,52 Ti Yukio Hashimoto Graduate school of pure and applied sciences, University of Tsukuba 1.Introduction 2.TDHFB equation 3.Linear region 4-1. Nonlinear region (vibration type) 4-2. Nonlinear region (relaxation type) 5. summary
1. Introduction ☆ random phase approximation (RPA) on a large scale T. Inakura, from “Report of KEK Ohgata Simulation Program (2010)” ☆ S. Ebata et al., Phys. Rev. C 82 (2010), “canonical-basis TDHFB” with Skyrme force ☆ in this talk, Gogny force is used in TDHFB calculations Gogny force: ph channel pp channel role of pairing correlation in vibration / relaxation
2. TDHFB equation
Equations of motion of matrices U & V see Ring & Schuck
Coulomb part is NOT included Gogny-D1S ・basis function:three-dimensional harmonic oscillator wave functions ・space: Gauss part density dependent part L-S part
Q 0 : matrix representation of multipole operator initial U & V HFB ground state U, V initial conditions: ・ Q 20 type impulse on ground state ( impulse type ) ・ constrained state with quadrupole operator ( constraint type )
Energy conservation tdhf
3. Linear region
Example: 20 O quadrupole oscillation (small amplitude)
* 34 – 38 Mg quadrupole (K=0) mode * 18– 22 O quadrupole mode * 44,50,52,54 Ti quadrupole mode
4-1.Nonlinear region (oscillation type)
quadrupole oscillation and pairing 52 Ti prolateoblate pairing is zero
HF “pocket” initial conditions
52 Ti
occupation probability in orbital(k) UVUV () k k definition : HFB matrix α : numerical basis label
initial condition: Q20 = 0 fm^2 (impulse) initial condition: Q20 = 140 fm^2 (constraint)
initial condition: Q20 = 140 fm^2 initial condition: Q20 = 140 fm^2 initial condition: Q20 = 0 fm^2 (impulse) initial condition: Q20 = fm^2
( f7/2 members in initial stage) quadrupole moment (fm^2) single-particle energies vs Q time ( fm ) 44 Ti vibration Fermi energy
( f7/2 members in initial stage) quadrupole moment (fm^2) single-particle energies vs Q time ( fm )
occupation probability p(k) (protons) Time (fm) HFB energies (MeV) HFB eigen energies (MeV)
4-2. Nonlinear region (relaxation type)
Q20 (fm ) 2 44 Ti Energy vs Q20 Energy (MeV) Time (fm) occupation probabilities p(k) ( neutron, minus parity) 0
time ( fm ) single particle energy ( MeV ) occupation probability p(k) 44 Ti relaxation of quadrupole oscillation () occupation probability p(k) (protons) time ( fm ) quadrupole moment fm 2 Fermi energy
time ( fm ) single particle energy ( MeV ) occupation probability p(k) 44 Ti relaxation of quadrupole oscillation () occupation probability p(k) (protons) time ( fm ) quadrupole moment fm 2
summary 1.(small amplitude case) RPA linear response strength functions 2. (nonlinear case) i) long period oscillation accompanied with “adiabatic” configuration around single-particle level crossing region ii) relaxation together with adiabatic configuration across single-particle level crossing