Tissue Tuesday Write about dynamic, forward-thinking people, people who have changed lives, inspired, and/or made a difference in some way. You may list names to start your thinking Write about accomplishments Different roles they played in the lives of others Explain how their actions reflected change
Selecting a Research Topic Writing Fundamentals: Research Report 8 th Grade
Goal for Today Narrow our focus and select research topics Think about our: interests, research process, purpose, audience, and resources Formative Assignment: “Questions Lead to Selections” and “Research Report Proposal” CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.5 With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.5
Tips for Selecting a Research Report Topic Carefully read your lists and notebook entries for topics you care about or that interest you. Think about your audience of readers and topics that would interest or appeal to them. Think about your purpose; to inspire others, to teach something, to present facts or information, to pique your readers’ curiosity, to share concrete facts about a person, to inform readers about an issue…
Tips for Selecting a Research Report Topic Develop a tentative focus List what you already know and questions you have about the topic. Focus on what you find interesting! Think about accessibility of resources Thursday and Friday Ms. Peterson will teach you how to use databases to develop your research topic. The use of websites and search engines for research are discouraged.
Questions Lead to Selections Spend 5 minutes completing “Questions Lead to Selections” Remember to use your Writing Journal entries Record your responses on the worksheet
Important Things to Consider Purpose Audience Materials Motivation Interest Engagement
Independent Writing Time Formative Assessment: Research Report Proposal Work on completing the proposal Your work should demonstrate that: You understand how to select a topic that is focused and clearly stated You clearly communicate background knowledge or information you have collected You ask 3 or more open ended questions regarding the topic You clearly communicate the purpose- Use your notes You state your next steps/plan for gathering information