Master’s Thesis Process in Master’s Programme in ICT Innovation at Aalto 2016 Anne Kiviharju Päivi Koivunen 22 Jan 2016
September-DecemberFinding internships DecemberContacting academic coordinators/supervisors, finding a thesis topic, confirming internship. JanuaryStarting the internship, and starting to write Master’s thesis By 28 FebruaryOfficial confirmation of thesis topic (with form) January-JuneReporting of thesis progress to supervisor March-MayI&E Thesis end of May/beginning of June Thesis presentations and maturity tests at Aalto (Maturity test form), remember to enroll for next semester! 30 JuneSubmitting the thesis, 2 pieces, in black covers, as well as: - presentation of Master’s thesis form - Evaluation of Master’s thesis and request for graduation form 31 AugustDean awards the degrees mid-SeptemberAalto University School of Science graduation ceremony by the end of the year (?)EIT Digital Master School graduation ceremony, awarding of EIT Digital certificates
Getting started Fix internship Discuss with academic coordinator/professor if the internship is suitable and can be connected to MSc thesis Find a supervisor: contact academic coordinator/professor of your major Decide the MSc thesis topic with supervisor (with form) Confirm the entry university’s (non-)involvement Follow the recommended schedule – it’s the safest option for you! Remember also the schedule for I&E thesis!
Final Degree Project in EIT Digital Master School Student Agreement, Art. 11 Degree: ”In order to obtain the EIT Digital Certificate, which is awarded to students who have completed an EIT labelled education within EIT Digital, the following elements are required: A completed course curriculum from both entry and exit university, an internship in an industrial setting as an integral part of the final degree project. When the student has successfully completed the degree requirements of the degree-issuing institutions, the student obtains a nationally recognized degree from the institutions at which he/she successfully completed a part of the programme, thereby obtaining double degrees.”
Staff involved Supervisor Instructor=Advisor Administrative staff (Anne) Teachers in charge of the I&E Thesis (Håkan & O-P) I CAN HELP YOU ONLY IF YOU KEEP IN TOUCH!
Master’s thesis: Topic Degree regulations set some requirements for the thesis in Aalto university, such as applying for a topic Degree Programme Committee accepts the topic, valid for one year Submit the form with supervisor’s signature to Anne by end of February (recommended schedule) Tips for Master’s thesis writers:
Maturity test & thesis presentation Maturity test = essay on a topic related to your thesis Organised test date in end of May/beginning of June, 3 hours Let Anne know if you cannot make it let’s fix a new date Supervisor provides questions, answer one of the questions Presentation = a public occasion to get feedback Organised presentation date in end of May/beginning of June submit the form with your supervisor’s signature to Anne
Thesis submission and binding (= casing-in, ”making it a book”) Ask your supervisor if the thesis is content-wise ready for publishing Check with Anne if the first page + abstract are ok (models available in Into) Contact the bindery Collect the books (2 copies) and bring to Anne Casing-in is at your own charge Submit the online forms to request for evaluation of thesis and graduation Degree Programme Committee accepts the thesis
Graduation Dean awards the Degree on 31 August 2016, Graduation ceremony on 20 September (not compulsory) (place to be announced later) You can choose how you want to receive your degree certificate: 1) graduation ceremony, 2) picking up from student services, 3) registered mail (you will receive a link to a form, submit the form) Remember to enroll as attending for the autumn semester 2016 (pay the AYY fee in Oodi) before submitting your thesis! If you graduate by end of August and you want to be reimbursed for the AYY fee, remember to apply for reimbursement by end of September (no student benefits after reimbursement)
More questions? Thank you!