We Love You Welcome Yeshua’s Yeladim
Please Remember These Rules n Please don’t talk when others are talking. n Please raise your hand if you would like to ask a question. n Please keep your hands and feet to yourself. n You must ask to leave the room.
Galatians 5:22 n But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
Sukkot n Sukkot is celebrated on 15 Tishri (the seventh month in the Biblical calendar.) n Sukkot is also known as u The Feast of Tabernacles u The Feast of Booths.
Sukkah n Sukkahs are decorated with fruits and vegetables and other things. n They have branches on the top so that the stars can be seen through them.
n God commanded the people to live in booths or sukkahs for seven days n Reminder of his care for them, when he took them out of Egypt. n Some people live in their sukkahs for seven days, and some just eat a few meals in them. Sukkah
Sukkot – A Fun Time n Sukkot is a time for rejoicing. n Messiah Yeshua announced that He was the source of living waters during Sukkot. n Only in Yeshua can we have life! Zman Simcha'teinu -- "the time of our joy."
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